WG-09: Ophthalmology

SecretariatAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
Flora Lum, wg09chairs@dicomstandard.org
ChairsAaron Y. Lee, MD, University of Washington
Last strategy update2023-10-23
MinutesWG-09 minutes
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To address all issues relating to imaging and reporting of image-based studies in ophthalmic applications.

Challenges and Opportunities (Environment):

  • Implementation of existing Standardized objects in ophthalmic applications and devices is well on its way. While there has been heightened awareness of DICOM in the vendor and user communities, several vendors still do not participate in the Standard development process or use the Standard in their products. This is because the companies are weighing the increased resource requirements versus the actual market demand and willingness to pay a higher price, and current regulatory requirements which do not specify DICOM, and deciding not to commit their resources to complete DICOM implementation. The requirements of clinical users and government agencies (users and regulators) for interoperability and compliance with the DICOM format will be the leading indicators driving the increased use of DICOM. The identification and communication of this requirement is important.
  • There has been a rapid development and broad clinical implementation of ophthalmic OCT imaging over the past decade. This is continuing with new commercial products and expansion of current products likely, probably creating a future need for new WG-09 work items.

    Future Roadmap and Objectives (Committee Direction):

    Integration of the Ophthalmic Photography supplement and other supplements into the Standard has been a major advance for digital ophthalmic devices and applications. Adoption of ophthalmology-relevant objects will be emphasized in eye care environments through education and demonstration projects in collaboration with the ophthalmic users and industry vendors. Coordinated education and demonstration projects for vendors and users will be essential to get broad adoption of the DICOM Standards in eye care. Extensions/refinements to existing objects will be introduced to accommodate new technology and techniques as they become relevant to the medical community through popular use and adoption into the Standards of care. Most of the high priority modalities in eye care have been addressed; remaining are wavefront and structured reports for various modalities such as retinal nerve fiber layer and optic nerve head analysis that will be addressed.

    Past Work:

    • Final Text for Ophthalmic Photography Image SOP Classes Supplement
    • Final Text for Ophthalmic Tomography Image Storage SOP Class Supplement
    • Final Text for Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Storage SOP Classes Supplement
    • Final Text for Structured Report Template for Reporting of Macular Grid Thickness and Volume
    • Final Text for Visual Fields (OPV) Static Perimetry Measurements Storage SOP Class Supplement
    • Final Text for Ophthalmic Thickness Map Storage SOP Class Supplement
    • Final Text for Corneal Topography Map Storage SOP Class Supplement
    • Final Text for Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Image Storage SOP Classes Supplement
    • Final Text for Ophthalmic Tomography Angiographic (OCT-A) Image Storage SOP Classes Supplement
    • Final Text for Heightmap Segmentation and Revised Ophthalmic OCT En Face Image Supplement