WG-26: Pathology

Secretariat (U.S)College of American Pathologists (CAP)
Kevin Schap, wg26chairs@dicomstandard.org
Secretariat (Europe)Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud (SEIS)
Marcial García Rojo, wg26chairs@dicomstandard.org
Co-ChairsDr. Mustafa Yousif, University of Michigan
Brian Napora, Gestalt Diagnostics
Last strategy update2019-10-02
Subgroup: WSI Annotations Ad Hoc
WG-26 WSI Annotations minutes
MinutesWG-26 minutes
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  • WG26's scope is to support and develop the DICOM Standard so the Pathology Domain can handle their whole slide images and also the macros when it comes to produce, store and communicate. We also want to make it possible for the domain to be a part of the whole healthcare process by open up those system when it comes to interoperability using global Standards to create workflows.

Current Supplements, Work and Objectives:

  • The working group is collaborating with Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise® (IHE) Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PaLM) on the IHE PaLM draft white paper that can be retrieved from https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/APW-EDM_White_Paper.
  • Working on the first IHE PaLM & WG26 image profile that hopefully will be released Q1 2020.

Challenges and Opportunities (Environment):

  • Encourage clinical users to participate in our meetings.
  • Hard to set up our Connectathons with no budget, demands a lot of work and negotiations.
  • Having Connectathons is a great opportunity to test the “theoretical Standard” in real life and the output guides us where to focus our future work.

Future Roadmap and Objectives (Committee Direction):

The keys to the success of working group 26 connectathons:
  • Impactful with engagement between the connectathon participants and the conference attendees
  • Educational for the conference attendees
  • Improve the Standards as more connectathons are held

Past Work:

  • CP 1713, 1740, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1804 – Final Texts