WG-29: Education, Communication, and Outreach

SecretariatMedical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA)
Shayna Knazik, sknazik@dicomstandard.org
ChairsLawrence Tarbox, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Jeroen Medema, Philips Healthcare
Last strategy update2023-10-07
MinutesWG-29 minutes
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  • The WG is responsible for the PR for DICOM. It seizes opportunities in the areas of education, communication, and outreach, and advises the DSC on this matter.

Current Supplements, Work and Objectives:

  • Maintaining DICOM Website.
  • Investigate tooling for managing DICOM workflow and work products (e.g. looking for a replacement for FTP).  Coordinating DICOM conferences and presentations at other conferences.  Working with consultants on outreach items to be released every 4 to 6 months, addressing hot topics, success stories, and misconceptions. 

Challenges and Opportunities (Environment):

  • Finalize branding & market awareness building plan, and get it executed. The latter implies effort and expenses, which may be hard to get.

Future Roadmap and Objectives (Committee Direction):

  • As we did in the past, we will continue to take opportunities to perform PR for DICOM.
  • Continuous DICOM website improvement.
  • Improve tooling for processing of Correction Proposals, Supplements, and Work Items etc.

Past Work:

  • DICOM Educational Conference in Chennai, India in 2023 was very successful.