The information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of persons engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was developed. Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person participating in the development of this document.
NEMA standards and guideline publications, of which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a voluntary consensus standards development process. This process brings together volunteers and/or seeks out the views of persons who have an interest in the topic covered by this publication. While NEMA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not write the document and it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy or completeness of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards and guideline publications.
NEMA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, application, or reliance on this document. NEMA disclaims and makes no guaranty or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and disclaims and makes no warranty that the information in this document will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. NEMA does not undertake to guarantee the performance of any individual manufacturer or seller's products or services by virtue of this standard or guide.
In publishing and making this document available, NEMA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is NEMA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. Information and other standards on the topic covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the user may wish to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication.
NEMA has no power, nor does it undertake to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this document. NEMA does not certify, test, or inspect products, designs, or installations for safety or health purposes. Any certification or other statement of compliance with any health or safety-related information in this document shall not be attributable to NEMA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.
8 Common Aspects of DICOM Web Services
This section describes details and requirements that are common to all Web Services defined in this Part of the Standard.
A user agent or origin server that implements a Service in this Part of the Standard shall conform to Section 8 unless stated otherwise in the specification of that Service and its Transactions.
Each transaction is composed of a request message and a response message, sometimes referred to as a request/response pair. When used in this Part of the Standard the term "request" means "request message", and "response" means "response message", unless clearly stated otherwise. Figure 8.1-1 is an interaction diagram that shows the message flow of a transaction. When it receives the request, the origin server processes it and returns a response.
The request includes a method, the URI of the Target Resource, and Header Fields. It might also include Query Parameters and a payload.
The response includes a status code, a reason phrase, Header Fields, and might also include a payload.
8.1.1 Request Message Syntax
This Part of the Standard uses the ABNF defined in Section 5.1 to define the syntax of transactions.
All Web Services API request messages have the following syntax:
method SP target-uri SP version CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The method, SP, version, CRLF, header-field, and payload are all HTTP productions from [RFC7230], and [RFC7231]. The definitions are reproduced here for convenience.
The request method is one of the HTTP methods, such as CONNECT, DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, PUT. See [RFC7230]
Section 4.
The Target Resource of a request is specified by the Target URI contained in the request message. See Section 8.2.
Query parameters are contained in the query component (see [RFC3986]) of the URI. The user agent may use Query Parameters to supply parameters to the request. See Section 8.3. Request Header Fields
Request Header Fields are used to specify metadata for the request. Most requests have one or more Content Negotiation (see Section 8.4.1) Header Fields. If a request has a payload, the request will have the corresponding Content Representation (see Section 8.4.2) and Payload (see Section 8.4.3) Header Fields.
The payload of the request is an octet-stream containing the content of the message. See Section 8.6. The presence of a payload in a request is signaled by a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding Header Field.
8.1.2 Response Message Syntax
The syntax of a response message is:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The status-code production is from [RFC7230].
The origin server shall always return a response message.
The response message shall always include a valid 3-digit status code. Section 8.5 defines the status codes used by transactions. IANA maintains a registry of HTTP Status codes. See [IANA HTTP Status Code Registry]. Response Header Fields
Response Header Fields are used to specify metadata for the response. The response will have the Content Representation (see Section 8.4.2) and Payload (see Section 8.4.3) Header Fields that correspond to the contents of the payload.
The payload of the response is an octet-stream containing one or more representations. See Section 8.6.
A transaction typically defines two types of payloads for a response message: a success payload, and a failure payload.
A failure response payload should contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
Transaction specifications define what resource types are valid Target Resources for the transaction and define the format of the URI for the Target Resource (and Query Parameters) using URI Templates. The URI of a Target Resource is referred to as the Target URI. Transaction specifications also define what resource types are valid resources for the response.
A Target URI is composed of three components: The Base URI, the Target Resource Path, and Query Parameters (which are often optional).
No whitespace is permitted in URIs. Whitespace around line breaks and the line breaks themselves should be stripped before parsing the URI. See [RFC3986] Appendix C.
The most general template for a Target URI is:
target-uri = "/" {/resource} {?optional*}
or if any of the Query Parameters are required
target-uri = "/" {/resource} ?{required*}{&optional*}
The Base URI of a Service is an absolute URI that specifies the location of the origin server implementing the Service. Each Target URI defined by this Part of the Standard starts with a "/", which is a shorthand that designates the Base URI of the Service. The Base URI may support more than one Service.
The Service Root Path is the Base URI without the Scheme and Authority components.
The Target Resource Path is a relative URI that specifies the path to the resource from the Base URI of the Service. It is specified by a URI Template that uses Path Expansion {/var} as defined in [RFC6570].
For example, given the URI:
The Base URI is:
The Service Root Path is:
The Target Resource Path is:
The URI Template for this resource is:
Query Parameters are specified in the query component of the URI (see [RFC3986]
Section 3.4.
The query component of a request URI may only be used to specify one or more Query Parameters. These parameters are referred to as Query Parameters to distinguish them from Header Field parameters or other types of parameters that may be contained in the payload.
The Query Parameters are specified using a URI Template that uses Form {?var} and Query Continuation Style {&var} Query Expansion as defined in [RFC6570].
If a Target URI includes a "query component" (see [RFC3986]
Section 3.4), it shall contain Query Parameters that conform to the syntax defined here.
The Services and Transactions defined elsewhere in this Part of the Standard may further refine the qp-name and qp-value rules defined below.
[RFC3986] does not permit an empty query component, i.e., if the "?" appears in the Target URI, then there shall be at least one Query Parameter in the URI.
The origin server may define and support additional Query Parameters, or additional Query Parameter values for an existing Query Parameter. If an origin server defines new or extends existing Query Parameters, they shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the service supports it, the Retrieve Capabilities response.
The origin server shall ignore any unsupported Query Parameters. The origin server shall process the request as if the unsupported parameters were not present and may return a response containing appropriate warning and/or error messages.
If a supported Query Parameter has an invalid value, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) error response and may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report.
8.3.1 Query Parameter Syntax
Query parameters have the following syntax:
query-parameters = "?" parameter *("&" parameter)
Each parameter after the first, is separated from the following parameter by the "&" character. Each parameter has the following syntax:
parameter = qp-name
/ qp-name "=" 1#qp-value
/ qp-name "=" 1#attribute
/ attribute
/ attribute "=" 1#qp-value
The qp-name is case sensitive, and starts with an alphabetic or underscore character, followed by zero or more alphanumeric or underscore "_" characters:
qp-name = %s 1*(ALPHA / "_") *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_")
A qp-name by itself (with no values) is a legal Query Parameter. A parameter qp-name may also be followed by a comma-separated list of one or more qp-values, or one or more Attributes.
The qp-values are case-sensitive. A qp-value is composed of qp-chars, where qp-char is the set of legal query component characters as defined by [RFC3986], minus the equal ("="), ampersand ("&"), and comma (",") characters.
qp-value = %s DQUOTE 1*qp-char DQUOTE
qp-char = unreserved / pct-encoded / qp-special
qp-special = "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / ";" /":" / "@" / "/" / "?"
The only visible US-ASCII characters disallowed in the query component by [RFC3986] are "#", "[", "]". This Part of the Standard further disallows "&", "=", and ",". However, the characters ("#", "[", "]" "&", "=", and ",".) may be included in qp-values if they are percent encoded.
Each Attribute is either a simple-attribute or a sequence-attribute:
attribute = simple-attribute / sequence-attribute
A simple-attribute is a single Data Element Tag or Keyword (see Table 6-1 “Registry of DICOM Data Elements” in PS3.6) that does not have a VR of SQ:
simple-attribute = keyword / tag
tag = 8HEXDIG
DICOM keywords are case sensitive; they shall start with an alphabetic character followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters. See PS3.6.
A sequence-attribute is two or more attributes separated by the dot character ("."), all but the last attribute shall have a VR of SQ, and the last attribute shall not have a VR of SQ.
sequence-attribute = (keyword / tag) *("." attribute)
The following are examples of valid values for attribute:
Some Query Parameters have a qp-name, which is an attribute, and a value that is a comma-separated list of one or more qp-values. The qp-values of an attribute parameter shall satisfy its Value Representation and Value Multiplicity, as defined in PS3.5 and PS3.6, of the corresponding attribute.
Unlike the Value Representations defined in PS3.5, Query Parameters:
shall not be padded to an even length
shall not contain any NULL (%x00) characters
shall encode UIDs as specified in PS3.5, except that they shall not be padded to an even length Query Parameter Syntax
The syntax and semantics of valid qp-names, qp-values and attributes are specified by the defining Service or Transaction; however, they shall conform to the rules in this Section.
Table 8.3.1-1 contains the collected syntax of Query Parameters. The Services and Transactions defined elsewhere in this Part of the Standard may further refine the qp-name, attribute, and qp-value rules.
All qp-names are case sensitive.
Table 8.3.1-1. ABNF for Query Parameter
= "?" parameter *("&" parameter)
= qp-name; a name only
/ qp-name "=" 1#qp-value ; a name with one or more values
/ qp-name "=" 1#attribute; a name with one or more attributes
/ attribute; an attribute only
/ attribute "=" 1#qp-value ; an attribute with one or more values
= %s (ALPHA / "_") *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_")
=int / uint / pos-int / decimal / float /string / base64 / uid
/ %s 1*qp-char/ %s DQUOTE 1*qp-special DQUOTE; See Section 5.1.1
= unreserved / pct-encoded
= "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ") " / "*" / "+" / ";"/":" / "@" / "/" / "?"
= keyword / tag
= keyword *( "." attribute) / tag *( "." attribute )
= %suppercase *( ALPHA / DIGIT )
The syntax of qp-values is defined in Section 5.1.1.
The qp-char (Query Parameter characters) rule defined above is the query rule of [RFC3986], which defines the legal characters for the query component, minus the equal sign ("="), comma (","), and ampersand ("&"). So, the qp-char rule is the VCHAR rule minus "#", "[", "]", "=", "&", and ",".
All DICOM keywords are case sensitive. See PS3.6.
8.3.2 Query Parameter Usage
An implementation's support for Query Parameters is either Mandatory or Optional. Each Query Parameter section contains a table specifying Query Parameter keys, values, user agent and origin server usage requirements. Table 8.3.2-1 specifies the usage symbols, types, and definitions.
Table 8.3.2-1. Query Parameter Usage
Table 8.3.2-2 shows an example Query Parameter table.
Table 8.3.2-2. Example Query Parameter Table
The usage columns specify the Query Parameters that the user agent must supply, and the origin server must support.
8.3.3 Content Negotiation Query Parameters
The parameters defined in this section are primarily designed for use in hyperlinks, i.e., URIs embedded in documents, where the Content Negotiation Header Fields (see Section 8.3.3) are not accessible. Accept Query Parameter
The Accept Query Parameter has the following syntax:
accept = accept-name "=" 1#(media-type [weight])
accept-name = %s"accept"
The Accept Query Parameter has the same syntax as the Accept Header Field (see Section 8.4.3), except that it shall not have wildcards (<type>/* or */*). See Section 8.7.
The normal name of this parameter is "accept"; however, the URI Service uses an accept-name of "contentType". See Section
The "%s" that prefixes the accept-name specifies that it is a case sensitive token. See [RFC7405].
The parameter value is a comma-separated list of one or more media-types.
The Accept Query Parameter should not be used when the user agent can specify the values by using the Accept Header Field.
All Media Types present in an Accept Query Parameter shall be compatible with a media range in the Accept Header Field, either explicitly or implicitly through wildcards.
For example, the presence of image/jpeg in the Accept Query Parameter will require the Accept Header Field to include one or more of the following values: image/jpeg, image/*, or */*.
If none of the Acceptable Media Types (see Section 8.7.5) are supported by the origin server, the origin server response shall be in the default Media Type for the Resource Category of the Target Resource. If there is no default Media Type defined for the Target Resource, the origin server response shall be 406 (Not Acceptable) and may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report.
If a DICOM Media Type is present, non-DICOM Media Types shall not be present. If both DICOM and non-DICOM Media Types are present, the response shall be 400 (Bad Request), and may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report. Character Set Query Parameter
The Character Set Query Parameter has the following syntax:
character-set = "charset" "=" 1#(charset [weight])
The Character Set Query Parameter value is a comma-separated list of one or more character set identifiers. It is like the Accept-Charset Header Field, except that it shall not have wildcards. See Section 8.8.
Character set identifiers present in the character set Query Parameter typically have a corresponding character set identifier in the Accept-Charset Header Field, either explicitly or implicitly through wildcards.
If this parameter has a value that is not supported, that value shall be ignored.
8.3.4 Search Query Parameters
Table 8.3.4-1 contains the syntax for the names and values of search parameters, along with a reference to the section where their meaning is defined. Search transactions shall support these parameters. The ABNF for the various search parameters is:
Table 8.3.4-1. Query Parameter Syntax
User Agent
Origin Server
= match / fuzzymatching / includefield
/ limit / offset / emptyvaluematching / multiplevaluematching
; See attribute matching rules below
= "fuzzymatching" "=" true / false
= "includefield" "=" 1#attribute / "all"
= "limit" "=" uint ; Maximum number of results
= "offset" "=" uint ; Number of skipped results
= "emptyvaluematching" "=" true / false
= "multiplevaluematching" "=" true / false
The following sections describe these parameters in detail. Attribute Matching
The syntax of the match Query Parameter shall be:
match = normal-match / uid-list-match
normal-match = 1*("&" attribute "=" value)
uid-list-match = 1*("&" attribute "=" 1#value)
attribute = (attribute-id) *("." attribute-id)
attribute-id = tag *("." tag) / keyword *("." keyword)
tag = 8HEXDIG
keyword= ;A keyword from Table 6-1 “Registry of DICOM Data Elements” in PS3.6.
One or more DICOM Attribute/Values pairs specify the matching criteria for the search.
Each search transaction defines which Attributes are required or permitted.
DICOM Attribute/Values pairs shall satisfy the following requirements:
Each attribute-id shall be a Data Element Tag or Keyword.
Each attribute in the Query Parameter shall be not be repeated.
Each attribute in the Query Parameter shall have a single value, unless the associated DICOM Attribute allows UID List matching (see Section C. in PS3.4
), in which case the value is a comma-separated list of UIDs.
If a tag represents a Private Data Element the query shall also include a corresponding Private Creator Element (see Section 7.8.1 in PS3.5
The acceptable values are determined by the types of matching allowed by C-FIND for its associated attribute. See Section C.2.2.2 in PS3.4
. All characters in values that are not qp-chars shall be percent-encoded. All non-ASCII characters shall be percent encoded. See [RFC3986] for details.
The following US-ASCII characters"#", "[", "]", "&", "=", and "," shall be percent encoded in any Query Parameter.
The match Query Parameter corresponds to DIMSE Matching Keys. See Section K. in PS3.4
The matching semantics for each attribute are determined by the types of matching allowed by C-FIND. See Section C.2.2.2 “Attribute Matching” in PS3.4.
Matching results shall be generated according to the Hierarchical Search Method described in Section C. “Hierarchical Search Method” in PS3.4.
Combined date-time matching shall be performed as specified in Section C. “Range Matching” in PS3.4.
If an origin server is acting as a proxy for a C-FIND SCP that does not support combined date-time matching, it shall perform a C-FIND request using only the date and filter any results that are outside the time range before returning a response.
If the Timezone Offset From UTC (0008,0201) Attribute is specified in the request, dates and times in the request are to be interpreted in the specified time zone. See Section C.4.1.1 in PS3.4
. Fuzzy Matching of Person Names
A single parameter specifies whether Fuzzy Matching of Person Names is to be performed.
This parameter is optional for the user agent.
This parameter is optional for the origin server.
If this parameter is not present its value is "false".
fuzzymatching = "fuzzymatching" "=" ("true" / "false")
If the value is "false", then the search shall be performed without Fuzzy Matching.
If the value is "true" and the origin server supports Fuzzy Matching, then the search shall be performed with Fuzzy Matching of Person Name Attributes as specified in Section C. in PS3.4
and shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the service supports it, the Retrieve Capabilities response.
If the value is "true" and the origin server does not support Fuzzy Matching, then:
The search shall be performed without Fuzzy Matching.
The response shall include the following HTTP Warning header (see [RFC7234]
Section 5.5) :
Warning: 299 <service>: The fuzzymatching parameter is not supported. Only literal matching has been performed.
where <service> is the base URI for the origin server. This may be a combination of scheme, authority, and path.
The response may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report. Attributes Included in the Response
A parameter specifies the Attributes that should be included in the response. The value is either a comma-separated list of attributes, or the single keyword "all", which means that all available attributes of the object should be included in the response.
includefield = *("includefield" "=" (1#attribute / "all") )
The request may contain one or more include parameters; however, if a parameter with the value of "all" is present, then other includefield parameters shall not be present. If an attribute is a value of an includefield parameter, it is equivalent to C-FIND Universal matching for that attribute. See Section C. in PS3.4
If an include parameter represents a Private Data Element a corresponding Private Creator Element shall be specified as an additional match parameter (see Section 7.8.1 in PS3.5
The includefield Query Parameter corresponds to DIMSE Return Keys.
Acceptable values are specified in the Information Model for the SOP Classes referenced in other Sections of this Part. Response Pagination
The following two parameters can be used to paginate a search response that might contain more matches than can readily be handled.
offset = "offset" "=" uint
A single parameter specifies the number of matches the origin server shall skip before the first returned match. The "offset" parameter value is an unsigned integer (uint). If this Query Parameter is not present, its value defaults to 0.
limit = "limit" "=" uint
A single parameter specifies the maximum number of matches the origin server shall return in a single response. The "limit" parameter value is an unsigned integer. If this parameter is not present, its value is determined as specified in Paging Behavior
The search requests shall be idempotent, that is, two separate search requests with the same Target Resource, Query Parameters, and Header Fields shall return the same ordered list of matches, if the set of matches on the origin server has not changed.
Given the following definitions:
The results returned in the response are determined as follows:
If (results <= 0) then there are no matches, and a 204 (No Content) response shall be returned with an empty payload.
Otherwise, a 200 (OK) response shall be returned with a payload containing the results.
If (remaining > 0) the response shall include a Warning Header Field (see [RFC7234]
Section 5.5) containing the following:
Warning: 299 <service>: There are <remaining> additional results that can be requested
The response may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report.
If the set of matching results has changed due to changes in the origin server contents, then the ordered list of results may be different for subsequent transactions with identical requests, and the results of using the "offset" and "limit" parameters may be inconsistent. Empty Value Matching
A single parameter specifies whether Empty Value Matching is to be performed.
This parameter is optional for the user agent.
This parameter is optional for the origin server.
If this parameter is not present its value is "false".
emptyvaluematching = "emptyvaluematching" "=" ("true" / "false")
If the value is "false", then the search shall be performed without Empty Value Matching.
If the value is "true" and the origin server supports Empty Value Matching, then the search shall be performed with Empty Value Matching Attributes as specified in Section C. “Empty Value Matching” in PS3.4 and shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the service supports it, the Retrieve Capabilities response.
If the value is "true" and the origin server does not support Empty Value Matching, then:
The search shall be performed without Empty Value Matching.
The response shall include the following HTTP Warning header (see [RFC7234]
Section 5.5):
Warning: 299 <service>: The emptyvaluematching parameter is not supported. Empty Value Matching has not been performed.
where <service> is the base URI for the origin server. This may be a combination of scheme, authority, and path.
The response may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report. Multiple Value Matching
A single parameter specifies whether Multiple Value Matching is to be performed.
This parameter is optional for the user agent.
This parameter is optional for the origin server.
If this parameter is not present its value is "false".
multiplevaluematching = "multiplevaluematching" "=" ("true" / "false")
If the value is "false", then the search shall be performed without Multiple Value Matching.
If the value is "true" and the origin server supports Multiple Value Matching, then the search shall be performed with Multiple Value Matching Attributes as specified in Section C. “Multiple Value Matching” in PS3.4 and shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the service supports it, the Retrieve Capabilities response.
If the value is "true" and the origin server does not support Empty Value Matching, then:
The search shall be performed without Multiple Value Matching.
The response shall include the following HTTP Warning header (see [RFC7234]
Section 5.5):
Warning: 299 <service>: The multiplevaluematching parameter is not supported. Multiple Value Matching has not been performed.
where <service> is the base URI for the origin server. This may be a combination of scheme, authority, and path.
The response may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report.
8.3.5 Rendering Query Parameters
This section defines the Query Parameter syntax and behavior for Retrieve requests for Rendered Media Types.
All Retrieve transactions for Rendered Media Types shall support these parameters. Query Parameters for Rendered Resources
The Query Parameters defined in this section specify various rendering transformations to be applied to the DICOM images, video, and text contained in the parent DICOM Resource.
The following rules pertain to all parameters defined in this section:
All parameters are optional for the user agent.
Not all parameters are required to be supported by the origin server.
These parameters only apply to Single Frame Image, Multi-Frame Image, Video and Text resources. See Section 8.7.2.
The set of transformations specified by the parameters in this section shall be applied to the images as if the parameters were a Presentation State. The origin server determines the presentation of other objects controlling the display of images, such as Structured Reports or Segmentation Objects.
Presentation State transformations are applied using the appropriate rendering pipeline specified in Section N.2 “Pixel Transformation Sequence” in PS3.4. Any Source Image Region parameters are applied after any Presentation State parameters. Any Viewport parameters are applied after any Source Image Region.
Even if the output of the image is defined in P-Values (grayscale values intended for display on a device calibrated to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function PS3.14), or contains an ICC profile, the grayscale or color space for the rendered image is not defined by this Standard.
Table 8.3.5-1 shows the Query Parameters that may be used when requesting a Rendered Representation.
Table 8.3.5-1. Retrieve Rendered Query Parameters
Target Resource Category
Rendered Media Type
All Categories
"patient" and/or "technique"
Image (single or multi-frame) or Video
character set token
All Categories
Image (single or multi-frame) or Video
vw, vh, [ sx, sy, sw, sh ]
Non-Presentation States
vw, vh
Presentation States
center, width, shape
Non-Presentation States
"no", "yes", "srgb", "adobergb" or "rommrgb"
Image (single or multi-frame) or Video
| Image Annotation
This parameter specifies that the rendered images or video will have annotations. Its name is "annotation" and its value is a comma-separated list of one or more keywords. It has the following syntax:
annotation = %s"annotation=" 1#( %s"patient" / %s"technique" )
When this parameter is not present, no annotations shall be applied.
The image rendering pipelines specified in PS3.4 require that annotations be applied after all other parameters have been applied and the image or video has been rendered. The exact nature and presentation of the annotations is determined by the origin server and is "burned-in" to the rendered content.
The origin server may support additional keywords, which shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the service supports it, the Retrieve Capabilities response.
If any of the parameter values are not keywords, or there are no parameter values, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) response and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message.
The origin server shall ignore any unsupported parameter values. If unsupported values are present, the origin server shall include the following Header Field:
Warning 299 <service>: The following annotation values are not supported: <values>
and may include a payload containing an appropriate warning message.
The exact nature and presentation of the annotation is determined by the origin server. The annotation is burned into the rendered image pixels.
A user agent wanting more control over annotations may retrieve an image, omitting the "annotation" parameter, and separately retrieve the metadata, and create customized annotations on the image.
A user agent wanting more control over annotations can retrieve an image, omitting the "annotation" parameter, separately retrieve the metadata, and create customized annotations on the image.
The Target Resource could already contain "burned-in" text that is beyond the control of this parameter.
The "quality" parameter specifies the requested quality of the rendered images or video. It has the following syntax:
quality = %s"quality=" uint
If the value of this parameter is missing or is not an integer between 1 and 100 inclusive, the response shall be a 400 (Bad Request) and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message.
The "quality" parameter is only supported for Media Types that allow lossy compression.
The meaning of this parameter is determined by the origin server and shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the Service supports it, Retrieve Capabilities response.
Decompression and re-compression may degrade the image quality if the original image was already irreversibly compressed. If the image has been already lossy compressed using the same format as required (e.g., jpeg), it may be sent as it is without decompressing and re-compressing it.
The origin server could choose to disregard the quality parameter if the resultant image quality would be too low. Viewport Scaling
The "viewport" parameter specifies a rectangular region of the source image(s) or video to be cropped, and a rectangular region corresponding to the size of the user agent's viewport to which the cropped image or video should be scaled.
The syntax of this parameter for a Presentation State Instance or a Thumbnail is:
%s"viewport=" vw "," vh
Otherwise it is:
%s"viewport=" vw "," vh ["," [sx] "," [sy] "," [sw] "," [sh] ]
The origin server shall crop the source images or video to the region specified by sx, sy, sw, and sh. It shall then scale the source content, maintaining the aspect ratio of the cropped region, until either the rendered content width or height is the same as the viewport width or height, whichever avoids truncation. In other words, viewport scaling makes the image(s) as large as possible, within the viewport, without overflowing the viewport area and without distorting the image.
If any of the optional parameter values are not present, the default value shall be used. Individual values may be elided, but the commas between the values shall be present. For example:
The missing sx and sy parameter values default to 0.
If trailing values are elided, then the trailing commas shall be omitted. For example:
The missing sx, sy, sw, sh will have their default values, i.e., the image(s) shall not be cropped, i.e., the full image is rendered.
If the viewport parameter is not present, the rendered image(s) or video shall not be scaled, i.e., the rendered image(s) shall contain the same sized pixel matrix as the source DICOM image.
If any of the following are true:
then the response shall be 400 (Bad Request) and may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report.
The default values for sx and sy differ from the defaults in the Specified Displayed Area in Presentation States, which uses integer values with the top left corner being (1\1). See Section C.10.4 in PS3.3
The "window" parameter controls the windowing of the images or video as defined in Section C. in PS3.3
. It has the following syntax:
%s"window=" center "," width "," function
These correspond to the differently capitalized and punctuated values of VOI LUT Function (0028,1056). See Section C. in PS3.3
All three parameters shall be present with valid values.
If any of the parameter values are missing or ill-formed, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) response and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message.
If the Target Resource is a Presentation State, this parameter shall not be used. If this parameter is present when the Target Resource is a Presentation state, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request).
The "iccprofile" parameter specifies the color characteristics of, and inclusion of an ICC Profile in, the rendered images. It has the following syntax:
%s"iccprofile=" 1#( %s"no" / %s"yes" / %s"srgb" / %s"adobergb" / %s"rommrgb" )
When this parameter is not present:
an ICC profile may or may not be present in the image in the response;
the color characteristics of the image in the response may or may not be consistent with any DICOM ICC Profile (0028,2000) Attribute in the metadata.
The ICC Profile in the image in the response shall be:
the ICC profile of the color space specified explicitly by the parameter,
otherwise, the ICC profile encoded in the source DICOM ICC Profile (0028,2000) Attribute, if any, appropriate to the selected frame,
otherwise, the ICC profile, if any, embedded in the stored compressed representation of the selected frame,
otherwise, at the discretion of the origin server, the ICC profile of a well-known color space listed in Section C. “Color Space” in PS3.3 that is appropriate to the type and source of the image.
If the Media Type does not support embedded ICC Profiles:
This parameter allows ICC profile information to be present in the image in the response so that the user agent can make use of it for local color management (e.g., an ICC profile capable browser can apply the profile when displaying the rendered image in the response).
This parameter provides a limited mechanism for requesting that the origin server perform some color management. It provides the names of well-known color spaces for the rendered image in the response. It does not provide a mechanism to supply an arbitrary ICC profile, such as the calibration profile of a display, so it does not absolve the user agent from the need to handle its own color calibration and color management.
ICC profiles can theoretically be large relative to the compressed pixel data of a single frame, so the user agent may specify a parameter value of "no", retrieve the DICOM ICC Profile (0028,2000) Attribute value(s) that apply to multiple frames from the metadata, and combine these itself.
ICC profiles are embedded in rendered images of Media Type image/jpeg as one or more chunks in APP2 marker segments with an identifier of "ICC_PROFILE", as defined in Annex B of [ISO 15076-1].
ICC profiles are embedded in rendered images of Media Type image/jp2 either as JP2 Restricted or JPX Full profiles according to [ISO/IEC 15444-1] and [ISO/IEC 15444-2], respectively; rendered images in the response are not subject to the prohibition against inclusion of a JP2 box in JPEG 2000 compressed data streams in DICOM images.
ICC profiles are embedded in rendered images of Media Type image/png in an iCCP chunk, as defined in [ISO 15948]. Presentation State Behavior
If a Target Resource is a single Presentation State Instance, that Instance may contain references to one or more Series, each of which may contain one or more Instances, each of which may contain one or more Frames. The response shall return rendered versions of all supported Instances and Frames referenced by the Presentation State Instance.
For example, if the Presentation State Instance
references a Multi-frame Image, then the response will contain all Frames specified by the target resource,
or references a Series, then the response will contain all Instances contained in that Series.
If the Presentation State Instance contains a Blending Sequence, then the rendered images in the response shall correspond to the frames of the input that have a Blending Sequence Item with a Blending Position (0070,0405) value of UNDERLYING. See Section C. “Blending Sequence” in PS3.3
The origin server shall render all of the images referenced by the Presentation State in an Acceptable Media Type using the rendering pipeline specified in Section N.2 “Pixel Transformation Sequence” in PS3.4.
If there is more than one Frame in the response they shall be ordered according to the following criteria:
first by Dimension Index Values (0020,9157), if present
then by Image Position (Patient) (0020,0032), if present
then by Image Position Volume (0020,9301), if present
then by order of the Instance references in the presentation state
If the above does not fully specify the ordering of the frames, then the origin server shall resolve any remaining ambiguity in the ordering.
If the Target Resource is a Presentation State and If the Presentation Size Mode is SCALE TO FIT or TRUE SIZE, then the displayed area specified in the Presentation State shall be scaled, maintaining the aspect ratio, to fit the size specified by the rows and columns parameters if present, otherwise the displayed area selected in the presentation state will be returned without scaling.
The intent of the TRUE SIZE mode in the presentation state cannot be satisfied, since the physical size of the pixels displayed by the web browser is unlikely to be known. If the Presentation Size Mode in the presentation state is MAGNIFY, then the displayed area specified in the presentation shall be magnified (scaled) as specified in the presentation state. It will then be cropped to fit the size specified by the viewport parameters, if present.
Any Displayed Area relative annotations specified in the presentation state are rendered relative to the Specified Displayed Area within the presentation state, not the size of the returned image.
Though the output of the presentation state is defined in DICOM to be in P-Values (grayscale values intended for display on a device calibrated to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function PS3.14), the grayscale or color space for the images returned by the request is not defined by this standard.
If the Presentation State contains the ICC Profile Module, the image(s) in the response shall include the ICC Profile as specified in Section
The origin server shall reject the request if any of the following are true:
Windowing parameters (Window Center and Window Width) are present,
the Frame Number parameter is present,
the Presentation Series UID does not correspond to an existing Presentation Series on the origin server, or
the Presentation UID does not correspond to an existing Presentation Instance on the origin server
and the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) response and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message. Query Parameters For Thumbnails
Table 8.3.5-2 shows the Query Parameters that may be used when requesting a Thumbnail representation.
Table 8.3.5-2. Thumbnail Query Parameters
The Viewport parameter only has width and height values. If no viewport parameter is provided the origin server will determine the size of the thumbnail. Query Parameters For Rendered MPR Volume Resources and Rendered 3D Volume Resources
Query parameters defined in this section control the creation of new 3D or MPR images based on Volume Data resampled from the Target Resource.
The following rules pertain to all parameters defined in this section:
All parameters are optional for the user agent.
Not all parameters are required to be supported by the origin server.
These parameters only apply to resources that are images.
The set of transformations specified by the parameters in this section shall be applied to the images as if the parameters were a Volumetric Presentation State, that is, in the order specified by the applicable image rendering pipeline specified in Section FF.2 of PS3.4.
Table 8.3.5-3, “Retrieve Rendered Volume Query Parameters” shows the Query Parameters that may be used when requesting a Rendered Volume Representation.
Table 8.3.5-3. Retrieve Rendered Volume Query Parameters
Target Resource Category
uid or frame
Image (single or multi-frame)
; See attribute matching rules in Section
Image (single or multi-frame)
"volume_rendered", "maximum_ip", "minimum_ip" or "average_ip"
Image (single or multi-frame)
"a", "p", "r", "l", "h" or "f"
Image (single or multi-frame) or Volumetric Presentation States
px, py, pz
Image (single or multi-frame) or Volumetric Presentation States
lx, ly, lz
Image (single or multi-frame) or Volumetric Presentation States
ux, uy, uz
Image (single or multi-frame) or Volumetric Presentation States
Image (single or multi-frame)
Image (single or multi-frame)
px, py, pz
Image (single or multi-frame)
Image (single or multi-frame)
Image (single or multi-frame)
Image (single or multi-frame)
Rendered MPR Volume Resources and Rendered 3D Volume Resources have two mutually exclusive options to determine the initial orientation of the resampled Volume Data:
The "orientation" parameter establishes the standard anatomic position of the patient as viewed by the camera, and
camera orientation parameters ("viewpointposition", "viewpointlookat", or "viewpointup") establish the camera position and direction as it views the patient.
When incorporating animation parameters, the initial frame is established by orientation parameters. The parameters "swivelrange", "volumetriccurvepoint" and "animationstepsize" dictate subsequent frames. When animating multiple sets of temporally related, spatially co-located Volume Data (such as a multiphase acquisition), the origin server determines the initial frame's displayed phase.
There is no parameter to control the type of projection used during rendering. The origin server shall use Orthographic projection for Rendered 3D Volume Resources. See Section C.11.30.1 in PS3.3.
There is no parameter to explicitly control Render Field of View, MPR View Height or MPR View Width (see Section C.11.30 in PS3.3 and Section C.11.26 in PS3.3). The "viewport" parameter can be used to scale the returned media. See Section Volume Input Reference
The "volumeinputreference" parameter identifies the Instance, or Frame within an Instance, from which the origin server shall extract characteristics and identify additional Instances or Frames in the Target Resource with the same values for those characteristics. The user agent uses this parameter to identify a desired subset when the Target Resource is a superset of the intended Volume Data. The origin server shall identify a subset that conforms to theVolume Input Requirements for Rendered MPR Volume Resources and Rendered 3D Volume Resources (see Section C.11.23.1 in PS3.3).
The syntax of this parameter for a multi-frame image is:
%s" volumeinputreference =" uid "," frame
Otherwise, it is:
%s" volumeinputreference =" uid
corresponds to Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) and frame corresponds to Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160). See Section 10.3 in PS3.3.
The origin server shall create Volume Data from instances or frames having characteristics identical to the Volume Input Reference based on implementation-specific logic.
The origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request), and may include an appropriate Status Report, if any of the following are true:
the Target Resource is a Presentation State,
valid Volume Data is not found based on the Volume Input Reference,
the UID is not found in the Target Resource,
the frame is not found in the Target Resource,
a Match Attribute/Value pair is present in another parameter in the request.
The "match" parameter specifies common DICOM Attribute/Value pair characteristics of the Volume Data.
When the user agent identifies a Target Resource that is a superset of the intended Volume Data, it may identify Attribute/Value pairs that specify matching criteriato identify specific Instances or Frames in the Target Resource to resample as Volume Data. The resulting subset shall conform to the Volume Input Requirements for Rendered MPR Volume Resources and Rendered 3D Volume Resources (see Section C.11.23.1 in PS3.3).
See Section for the syntax of this parameter.
The user agent may include the following Attributes in the parameter:
The origin server shall reconstruct Volume Data meeting the Volume Input Criteria.
The origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request), and may include an appropriate Status Report, if any of the following are true:
the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State,
valid Volume Data is not found based on the Attribute/Value pair,
the "volumeinputreference" parameter is also present. Rendering Method
The "renderingmethod" parameter specifies the display algorithm to be applied to the Volume Data.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"renderingmethod=" 1#( %s"volume_rendered" / %s"maximum_ip" / %s"minimum_ip" / %s"average_ip" )
These values correspond to the differently capitalized values of Rendering Method (0070,120D). See Section C.11.23 in PS3.3 and Section C.11.30 in PS3.3.
There is no parameter to control the type of projection used during rendering. Rendered 3D Volume Resources use Orthographic projection. See Figure C.11.30-1 in PS3.3.
For Rendered MPR Volume Resources, this parameter describes the display algorithm to apply when the slab thickness is greater than one voxel. This parameter value is typically average_ip.
If "renderingmethod" is not present, the origin server may apply a default rendering method, based on the resource, or alternatively, return 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
The "orientation" parameter specifies the patient's orientation as seen by the camera for the current 3D or MPR Volumetric Presentation View.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"orientation =" 1#( %s"a" / %s"p" / %s"r" / %s"l" / %s"h" / %s"f" )
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Rendering Presentation State and any orientation Query Parameters are present, the origin server shall apply the query parameter(s) instead of the geometry attributes in the Multi-Planar Reconstruction Geometry Module, or the Volume Render Geometry Module.
This is intended to allow the user to adjust orientation after viewing the initial orientation defined in the Volumetric Presentation State.
Orientation is used to select the desired standard anatomic position of the rendered volume. For example, "a" specifies the direction of the rendered volume that most closely aligns with the patient's anterior plane. Viewing angles beyond the standard orthogonal anatomic positions are controlled by camera orientation parameters (i.e., "viewpointposition", "viewpointlookat", or "viewpointup").
The origin server shall determine a Viewpoint Position (0070,1603), a Viewpoint LookAt Point (0070,1604) and a Viewpoint Up Direction (0070,1605) based on the value of the "orientation" parameter.
If both the "orientation" parameter and any of the camera orientation parameters are present, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report. Viewpoint Position
The "viewpointposition" parameter specifies the position of the camera in the Viewpoint Coordinate System (VCS). See Section C.11.30.1 in PS3.3.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"viewpointposition =" px "," py "," pz
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation Stateand any orientation Query Parameters are present, the origin server shall apply the query parameter(s) instead of the geometry attributes in the Multi-Planar Reconstruction Geometry Module, or the Volume Render Geometry Module.
Any or all of the camera orientation parameters may be included. If any of the camera orientation Query Parameters are absent, the origin server may apply a default value (e.g.,
set "viewpointposition" to the patient's anterior,
set "viewpointlookat" to the center of volume,
set "viewpointup" to the patient's superior),
or return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report. Viewpoint Lookat
The "viewpointlookat" parameter specifies the point that the camera is looking at within the Viewpoint Coordinate System (VCS). See Section C.11.30.1 in PS3.3.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"viewpointlookat =" lx "," ly "," lz
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation Stateand any orientation Query Parameters are present, the origin server shall apply the query parameter(s) instead of the geometry attributes in the Multi-Planar Reconstruction Geometry Module, or the Volume Render Geometry Module.
The "viewpointup" parameter specifies the vertical orientation of the camera within the Viewpoint Coordinate System (VCS). See Section C.11.30.1 in PS3.3.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"viewpointup =" ux "," uy "," uz
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation Stateand any orientation Query Parameters are present, the origin server shall apply the query parameter(s) instead of the geometry attributes in the Multi-Planar Reconstruction Geometry Module, or the Volume Render Geometry Module. MPR Slab Thickness
The "mprslab" parameter specifies the thickness of the MPR plane. This parameter results in an orthographic rendering with a defined thickness using the method defined by "renderingmethod". See Section C. in PS3.3 for more information.
The syntax of this parameter for a Rendered MPR Volume is:
%s"mprslab =" st
This corresponds to the MPR Slab Thickness (0070,1503) attribute. See Section C.11.26 in PS3.3.
The slab thickness of the returned media might not match the requested thickness due to the voxel size of the Target Resource.
If "renderingmethod" is not present, the origin server may apply a default rendering method, based on the resource and/or slab thickness, or alternatively, return 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
The "swivelrange" parameter specifies the angular range over which a rendered volume rotates around the swivel axis, which is defined as the axis parallel to the "viewpointup" intersecting the "viewpointlookat". The rendered volume rotates back and forth.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"swivelrange =" sr
The origin server shall create an animation with a number of frames equal toSwivel Range divided by the "animationstepsize".
If the "swivelrange" parameter is present and the "animationrate" parameter is not present, the origin server shall determine the animation rate.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report. Volumetric Curve Point Coordinates
The "volumetriccurvepoint" parameter specifies coordinates of points on the animation curve in the Volumetric Presentation State Reference Coordinate System, in mm. One triplet (x,y,z) shall be present for each point in the curve. At least two points are required for an animation. See Section C.11.29.1 in PS3.3.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"volumetriccurvepoint =" px "," py "," pz
The origin server shall create an animation with a number of frames equal to the total distance of the Volumetric Curve divided by the "animationstepsize".
If the "volumetriccurvepoint" parameters are present and the "animationrate" parameter is not present, the origin server shall determine the animation rate.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report. Animation Step Size
The "animationstepsize" parameter specifies distance between animation steps, or frames, in a Volumetric Rendering animation.
For a swivel animation, the distance between steps is in degrees. For a Volumetric Curve, the distance between steps is in mm along the animation curve.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"animationstepsize=" ss
The origin server shall create an animation, with a number of frames equal to either:
the "swivelrange" divided by the"animationstepsize", or
the total distance of the Volumetric Curve divided by the "animationstepsize".
If "animationstepsize" is not present, and either "swivelrange", or "volumetriccurvepoint" is present, the origin server may apply a default animation step size, or alternatively, return 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report. Animation Rate
The "animationrate" parameter specifies the rate at which an animated 3D or MPR Volumetric Presentation is displayed.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"animationrate=" rt
If "animationrate" is notpresent, and other animation parameters are present (e.g., "swivelrange", "animationstepsize", or "volumetriccurvepoint"), the origin server may apply a default animation rate, or alternatively, return 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report. Rendered Volumetric Metadata
The "renderedvolumetricmetadata" parameter specifies that the response payload contains only a Rendered Volume Response Module of the parameters applied by the origin server to generate the volumetric rendering.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"renderedvolumetricmetadata =" "yes"
The origin server shall return a response payload containing a Rendered Volume Response Module as specified in Annex K.
If this parameter is not present, no Response Module is requested and the 2D representation of the rendered volume is returned as described in Section and Section
The Rendered Volume Response Module contains the complete set of query parameters, including both those specified by the user agent in the request and those determined by the origin server.
For any two requests where the query parameters, Target Resource, and Header Fields are identical, the query parameter values in the Rendered Volume Response Module returned by the origin server shall be identical.
When repeating a rendering request, the origin server is expected to deliver a result that is consistent. It is not mandatory for it to be precisely identical.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation State, the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) and may include an appropriate Status Report.
The following sections specify important Header Fields, some of which have stronger requirements than those specified in the HTTP Standard.
8.4.1 Content Negotiation Header Fields
HTTP uses the Accept and Content-Type Header Fields for content negotiation and data typing. The Media Types in the Accept Header Field of a request define the Media Types that the user agent would find acceptable in the response. The Media Type in the Content-Type Header Field of a message, or payload part, describes the format of the representation contained in the message payload or payload part.
Content Negotiation Header Fields in requests allow the user agent to specify acceptable representations for the response. Table 8.4.1-1 lists the Content Negotiation Header Fields. The values in these fields apply to any content in the response, including representations of the Target Resource, representations of error or processing status, and potentially even the miscellaneous text strings that might appear within the HTTP protocol. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.
Table 8.4.1-1. Content Negotiation Header Fields
All requests that expect to receive a response with a payload shall contain an Accept Header Field. See Section
The Accept-Charset Header Field may be sent by a user agent to indicate what charsets are acceptable in response content. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.3.
The Accept-Encoding Header Field may be used to indicate the content-codings (see [RFC7231]
Section acceptable in the response. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.4.
The Accept-Language Header Field may be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages that are preferred in the response. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.5.
User agents use the Accept Header Field to specify Acceptable Media Types for the response payload. The Accept Header Field can be used to indicate that the response payload is specifically limited to a set of desired Media Types. It has the following syntax:
Accept = "Accept:" #( media-range [accept-params] )
media-range = ("*/*"
/ (type "/" "*")
/ (type "/" subtype)
) *(OWS ";" OWS accept-params)
accept-params = weight *(accept-ext)
Most requests have an Accept Header Field that contains a comma-separated list of one or more media ranges. A media-range extends media-type with wildcards (*/* or type/*) and parameters that are not defined for media-types. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.2 for details.
For example, if the user agent is willing to accept any Media Type in the response it should include */* as a value of the Accept Header Field.
Many of the Content Negotiation Header Fields use a weight parameter, named "q" (case-insensitive), to assign a relative "weight" to the preference for that associated kind of content.
The Media Types in the Accept header can be given a priority ordering by using weights.
weight = OWS ";" OWS "q=" qvalue
qvalue = ("0" ["." 0*3DIGIT])
/ ("1" ["." 0*3("0")])
This weight is often referred to as "quality value" or "qvalue". See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.1.
All requests that might have a response containing a payload shall provide an Accept Header Field.
See Section 8.7.5 for Acceptable Media Types. Charset Media Type Parameter
Many Media Types, especially text/* types, define a "charset" parameter that specifies the character set for the representation. See [RFC7231]
DICOM Media Types define a "charset" parameter. See Section
For example,
application/dicom; charset=ISO-8859-1
See Section 8.8.1 for Acceptable Character Sets.
8.4.2 Content Representation Header Fields
The Media Type in the Content-Type Header Field of a message, or payload part, describes the format of the representation contained in the payload or part.
When a message has a payload, the Content Representation Header Fields provide metadata describing how to interpret the representation(s) contained in the payload. Table 8.4.2-1 describes the Content Representation Header Fields, and the usage requirements (Mandatory, Conditional, or Optional) for when they shall be present.
Table 8.4.2-1. Content Representation Header Fields
Specifies the Media Type of the representation contained in the payload.
If a message has a payload, it shall have a Content-Type Header Field specifying the Media Type of the payload. See [RFC7231]
Specifies any content encodings applied to the representation (beyond those inherent in the Media Type), and thus what decoding to apply to obtain a representation in the Media Type specified by the Content-Type. See [RFC7230]
Content-Encoding allows compression, encryption, and/or authentication of representations.
Shall be present if a content encoding has been applied to the representation in the payload.
Specifies the natural language(s) of the intended audience used in representation. See [RFC7231] Section
Contains a URL that references the specific resource corresponding to the representation in the payload.
Shall be present if the payload contains a representation of a resource.
8.4.3 Payload Header Fields
The Payload Header Fields contain metadata describing the payload, not the representation it contains. Table 8.4.3-1 describes the Payload Header Fields, and the usage requirements (Mandatory, Conditional, or Optional) for when they shall be present.
Table 8.4.3-1. Payload Header Fields
Specifies the decimal number of octets in the payload.
If the response message has a payload and does not have a Transfer-Encoding Header Field, it shall have a Content-Length Header Field specifying the length in octets (bytes) of the payload.
Shall not be present if the message has a Transfer-Encoding Header Field. Shall be present otherwise, even is the size of the payload is zero.
Specifies the range of a partial representation contained in a payload. See [RFC7233]
Section 4.2.
The Content-Range Header Field is sent in a single part 206 (Partial Content) response to indicate the partial range of the selected representation enclosed as the message payload.
It is sent in each part of a multipart 206 response to indicate the range enclosed within each body part.
It is sent in 416 (Range Not Satisfiable) responses to provide information about the selected representation.
See [RFC7230]
Section 3.3.1.
Shall be present if transfer-encodings have been applied to the payload.
Each response message contains a status-code.
The most common HTTP status codes used are listed in Table 8.5-1 Most of these codes are described in detail in [RFC7231]. IANA maintains the HTTP Status Code Registry [IANA HTTP Status Code Registry], which contains a complete list of registered status codes.
Table 8.5-1. Status Code Meaning
The 2xx (Successful) class of status code indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
All Target Resource representations are contained in the payload. See [RFC7231]
Section 6.3.1.
The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. See [RFC7231]
Section 6.3.2.
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The payload of this response should contain a Status Report. [RFC7231]
Section 6.3.3.
The user agent may be able to inspect relevant resources to determine the status at some later time.
(Non-Authoritative Information)
The request was successful, but the enclosed payload has been modified from that of the origin server's 200 (OK) response by a transforming proxy. See [RFC7230]
Section 5.7.2 and [RFC7230]
Section 6.3.4.
The server has successfully fulfilled the request and there is no additional content to send in the response payload body. This should be the response when content is successfully uploaded, and the response has no payload.
For example, this status code is used in the response to a Conditional Retrieve request), when the Target Resource has not been modified. See [RFC7231]
Section 6.3.5.
(Reset Content)
The server has fulfilled the request and desires that the user agent reset the "document view", which caused the request to be sent, to its original state as received from the origin server.
The 3xx (Redirection) class of status code indicates that further action needs to be taken by the user agent to fulfill the request.
(Moved Permanently)
The origin server has assigned the Target Resource to a new permanent URI, indicated in a Location Header Field.
This status is typically needed when the resource has been moved from one service to another, for example during a migration.
(See Other)
The origin the server is redirecting the user agent to a different resource, as indicated by a URI in the Location Header Field, which will provide a response to the original request.
(Not Modified)
The origin server has received a conditional GET or HEAD request that would have resulted in a 200 (OK) response if it were not for the fact that the condition evaluated to false.
Client Error
The 4xx (Client Error) class of status code indicates that the user agent has erred.
For all these error codes,the origin server should return a payload containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition, except when responding to a HEAD request.
(Bad Request)
The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request …).
The request has not been fulfilled because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the service or Target Resource. The server generating a 401 response shall send a WWW-Authenticate Header Field ([RFC7235]
Section 4.1) containing at least one challenge applicable to the server or Target Resource.
The origin server understood the request, but refused to authorize it (e.g., an authorized user with insufficient privileges). If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access. The origin server may respond with a 404 (Not Found) if not permitted to use this status code.
(Not Found)
The origin server did not find a representation for the Target Resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. This might be a temporary condition. If the origin server knows that the resource has been deleted, the 410 (Gone) status code shall be returned rather than 404.
(Method Not Allowed)
The method in the request is known by the origin server but not supported by the target service or resource. The origin server shall include an Allow Header Field in a 405 response containing a list of the target service or resource's currently supported methods.
(Not Acceptable)
The Target Resource does not have a representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, per the Content Negotiation Header Fields in the request, and the server is unwilling to supply a default representation.
The origin server should return a payload that lists the available Media Types and corresponding resource identifiers.
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the Target Resource. This code is used in situations where the user agent might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The origin server should return a payload containing enough information for the user agent to recognize the source of the conflict.
In the DICOM context, this code might indicate that the origin server was unable to store any Instances due to a conflict in the request (e.g., unsupported SOP Class or Instance mismatch).
Access to the Target Resource is no longer available at the origin server and this condition is likely to be permanent. If the origin server does not know, or has no facility to determine, whether the condition is permanent, the 404 (Not Found) status code should be used instead.
(Length Required)
The origin server refuses to accept the request because the Content-Length Header Field was not specified.
(Payload Too Large)
The server is refusing to process the request because the request payload is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
(URI Too Long)
The server is refusing to service the request because the request-target ([RFC7230]
Section 5.3) is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
(Unsupported Media Type)
The origin server does not support the Content-Type in the request payload. This error typically occurs when the user agent is trying to create or update a resource.
The origin server should return a payload that lists the available Media Types and corresponding resource identifiers.
This is different from 406 (Not Acceptable).
Server Error
The 5xx (Server Error) class of status code indicates that the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the requested method.
For all these error codes, the server should send an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition, except when responding to a HEAD request.
(Internal Server Error)
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
(Not Implemented)
The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
In the DICOM context, this status code shall be used for SOP Class Not Supported errors.
(Service Unavailable)
The origin server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or scheduled maintenance, which will likely be alleviated after some delay.
(HTTP Version Not Supported)
The origin server does not support, or refuses to support, the major version of HTTP that was used in the request message.
Status code 206 was previously (erroneously) used to indicate that only some of a payload was stored and was previously (erroneously) used for range requests at application level.
When a web server determines that a user agent should not receive certain information, the web server must choose the status code and the contents of a Status Report carefully. For example, local policy may dictate that the web service returns a 404 (Not Found) rather than a 401 (Unauthorized) status code to avoid allowing the user agent to infer the existence of a resource. The status code and payload of the response needs to be controlled by policy and context, balancing usability of the returned result against appropriate protection. See also [FHIR Access Denied] and [OWASP Information Leakage].
Both request and response messages may have message bodies. The message body (if any) of an HTTP message is used to carry the payload of the message. The message body is identical to the payload unless a content coding has been applied, as described in [RFC7230]
Section 3.3.1. This Part of the Standard uses the term "payload" to denote the message body before any content coding has been applied to it.
A message may or may not have a payload. A payload may be empty; that is, its length is zero. If a message has no payload, then the message shall have neither Transfer-Encoding nor Content-Length Header Fields. If a message has a payload to which a transfer-coding has been applied, then the message shall have a Transfer-Encoding Header Field. If a message has a payload that has not had a transfer-coding applied, then the message shall have a Content-Length Header Field.
Any message containing a payload shall have appropriate Content Representation [RFC7231]
Section 3.1 and Payload Header Fields [RFC7231]
Section 3.3.
Payloads contain representations. Payloads may be single part or multipart.
The message Content-Type Header Field contains a Media Type that includes multipart/related when the payload is multipart, otherwise the payload is single part. Single Part Payload
A message with a single part payload contains one representation that is described by the Content Representation Header Fields (see Section 8.4.3) contained in the message header.
A message with a single part payload shall have a Content-Type Header Field with a single part media-type (see Section 8.7.3).
Single part payloads may be requested with an HTTP Range [RFC7233] request. If supported by the server, the response shall be according to the standard HTTP Range [RFC7233] response.
A single part payload is only applicable for requests that return exactly one item. Such responses may also be encoded as a multipart payload with a single item in them, as determined by Table 10.4.4-1. Multipart Payload
A message with a multipart payload contains zero or more representations. Each representation goes in a separate part.
A message with a multipart payload shall have a Content-Type Header Field with a multipart media-type.
The Media Type of the root representation (see [RFC2387]) may be specified by the Content-Type Header Field of the message. If no root parameter is specified, then the root representation is the first representation in the payload.
Each part in a multipart payload shall start with a boundary string, followed by a Content-Type Header Field with a single part Media Type (see Section 8.7.3), followed by other fields as specified in Table 8.6.1-1. See also Figure 8.6-1. Other Header Fields may be included.
Understanding the nature of an encoded Bulkdata resource may depend on the corresponding Metadata reference to the bulkdataURI and is not necessarily implicit in the Content-Type Header Field.
An HTTP Range [RFC7233] request may be used with Multipart payloads, but the range applies to the entire response, including the multipart markers. In order for the response to be valid across requests, the ordering of items and the choice of multipart separator must remain the same.
The Content-Location is used to identify the specific resource (e.g. down to the level of a specific frame or instance or bulkdataURI) represented in this part. This allows the payload recipient to distinguish the parts, for example when each part contains a different frame of a requested Multi-frame Instance.
The metadata in the response of a Search Transaction is not considered a representation of a resource, so a Content-Location is not required.
In the case of a rendered resource, the Content-Location will identify the resource from which the rendering was generated.
Table 8.6.1-1. Multipart Header Fields
Shall be present if the response payload does not have a transfer encoding
Shall be present if the response payload contains a representation of a resource. See [RFC7231]
See [RFC7231]
Section 7.1.2.
See Section 8.7.1 and [RFC7231].
The following is an example template of a multipart request or response message that has a multipart payload:
request-line / response-line
Content-Type: multipart-media-type CRLF
Content-Location: "/" {/url} CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The Content-Type Header Field shall have a multipart media-type. For example:
Content-Type: multipart/related; type=DQUOTE root-media-type DQUOTE; boundary="---boundary---"
If a multipart payload contains representations of Metadata (see Section, and Bulkdata (see Section, then all Metadata message parts that reference a Bulkdata part shall precede the referenced Bulkdata part. The Content-Location of the Bulkdata part shall contain the corresponding BulkDataURI used in the referencing Metadata.
Figure 8.6-1 shows the correspondence between the IOD representation and a multipart payload. Multipart Payload Syntax
The syntax of a multipart payload is:
multipart-payload = 1*(DASH boundary CRLF part CRLF) DASH boundary DASH
DASH = "--"
boundary = 0*69(bchar / SP) bchar
bchar = DIGIT / ALPHA / "'" / "(" / ")" / "+" / "_" ; The legal boundary characters
/ "," / "-" / "." / "/" / ":" / "=" / "?"
part = Content-Type: media-type CRLF
Content-Location: url CRLF
(Content-Length: uint CRLF / Transfer-Encoding: encoding CRLF)
[Content-Description: text CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
part-payload = *OCTET
For example, if the boundary is "++++", then a message payload containing three parts would be structured as follows:
Content-Type: media-type CRLF
Content-Location: url CRLF
(Content-Length: uint CRLF / Transfer-Encoding: encoding CRLF)
[Content-Description: {description} CRLF]
payload CRLF
Content-Type: media-type CRLF
. . .
payload CRLF
Content-Type: media-type CRLF
. . .
payload CRLF
8.6.2 DICOM Representations
All DICOM objects are defined by Information Object Definitions (IODs). See PS3.3. Representations of DICOM Resources are encodings of DICOM Information Objects into octet streams.
Each IOD has an associated set of Attributes, which define semantic concepts. Each Attribute has:
a Tag, which identifies the Attribute using an integer
a Keyword, which identifies the Attribute using a token
a Type, which indicates whether the Attribute is required or optional
a Value Representation, which defines the data type of the Attribute's value(s)
a Value Multiplicity, which specifies the number of values that the Attribute may have
A Data Element is a concrete representation of an Attribute See PS3.5. Each Data Element has:
an identifier, which would typically be its Tag, but could be its Keyword
a Value Representation, which defines its data type
a Value Length
a Value Field, which is a sequence of bytes containing zero or more values
Each Instance contains Data Elements representing the Attributes from the Patient, Study, Series, and Instance levels of the IOD. For example, if a Series resource contains 12 Instances, then a transaction that retrieves that Series will contain a representation of the Series and its 12 Instances, in a specific Media Type, and each Instance will have Patient, Study, Series, and Instance level Attributes.
This Part of the Standard defines three distinct representations of DICOM Resources that can be encoded into DICOM Media Types: Instances, Metadata, and Bulkdata.
DICOM Media Types and their corresponding representations are defined in Section 8.7.3. Other Media Types used in this Part of the Standard are defined in Section 8.7.4.
A Status Report is a description of warnings or errors encountered by the origin server in processing a request. The contents should be clear and succinct. If the request does not include an Acceptable Media Type, the Status Report should use the default Media Type for the Text Resource Category, which is text/html.
Media Types are the basis for both content negotiation and data typing of message payloads. Each PS3.18 service, and/or transaction defines the Media Types and associated representations that are default, required and optional.
The Media Type also specifies whether the payload contains a single representation (single part), or multiple representations (multipart). Multipart payloads are only defined for the RESTful APIs. See Section and Section 10.4.3.
Media Types are identifiers used to define the data format of a representation. HTTP uses Media Types in the Content-Type and Accept Header Fields to provide open and extensible data typing and type negotiation. The syntax of Media Types is:
media-type = type "/" subtype *(OWS ";" OWS mt-parameter)
type = token
subtype = token
mt-parameter = mtp-name "=" mtp-value
mtp-name = token
mtp-value = (token / quoted-string)
The 'type/subtype' may be followed by parameters in the form of 'name "=" value' pairs.
The type, subtype, and mtp-name tokens are case-insensitive, but the case sensitivity of parameter values depends on the semantics of the parameter name. The presence or absence of a parameter might be significant to the processing of a media-type, depending on its definition within the Media Type registry.
An mtp-value can be transmitted either as a token or quoted-string. The quoted and unquoted values are equivalent.
Media Types are defined in [RFC7231]
IANA maintains a registry of Media Types [IANA Media Types].
Many Media Types specify a character set parameter.
The term "MIME Type" is not synonymous with "Media Type". MIME types are defined by Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions [RFC2045] and used by email programs. Media Types are defined by Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures [RFC6838].
8.7.1 Multipart Media Types
Some of the services defined in this Part of the Standard support the multipart Media Types [RFC2387]. The syntax is:
multipart-media-type = "multipart" "/" subtype *(OWS ";" OWS parameter)
The application/multipart-related Media Type is used by the RESTful services. Its syntax is:
multipart-related = "multipart/related"
OWS ";" OWS "type" "=" (media-type / DQUOTE media-type DQUOTE)
OWS ";" OWS "boundary" "=" boundary
boundary ; See Section
bchar = bchar-nospace / SP
bchar-nospace = DIGIT / ALPHA / "'" / "(" / ")" / "+" / "_" / "," / "-"
/ "." / "/" / ":" / "=" / "?" "/" / ":" / "=" / "?"
related-parameters = [";" "start" "=" cid]
[";" "start-info" "=" cid-list]
cid-list = cid cid-list
cid = token / quoted-string
The "type" parameter is required. It contains the Media Type of the "root" body part. It should not contain quote marks per [RFC2387], but for historical compatibility and to agree with the [RFC2387] examples, it may contain quote marks.
Some origin servers have been observed to fail if quotes are present, and others may fail if quotes are absent, so user agents may want to handle such failures by trying the alternative pattern.
The cid is a content identifier. It should be unique for each part of the multipart message.
Typically, the "start" and "start-info" parameters are not specified, and the "root" is the first body part.
8.7.2 DICOM Resource Categories
Table 8.7.2-1 defines Resource Categories that correspond to different SOP Classes. The following sections map each Resource Category to appropriate DICOM and Rendered Media Types.
Table 8.7.2-1. Resource Categories
Resource Category
Single Frame Image
This category includes all resources that are:
Instances of a single frame SOP Class, or
Instances of a multi-frame SOP Class that contain only one frame, or
a single frame selected from an Instance of a multi-frame SOP Class.
Multi-Frame Image
This category includes all resources that are Instances of a multi-frame SOP Class, that are not Video and that contain more than one frame.
This category includes all resources that contain more than one frame and are:
Instances encoded in the MPEG family of Transfer Syntaxes (which includes MPEG2, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265), or
time-based (motion) multi-frame images that the origin server is capable of encoding in the MPEG family.
This category includes all resources that contain:
This category includes all resources that are not included above, for example waveforms.
The Resource Category is independent of the Transfer Syntax used to natively encode or return the Resource. In particular, if the Transfer Syntax is one of the JPIP Transfer Syntaxes (for which the pixel data is not included in the returned objects, but rather a URL of the JPIP provider for retrieving the pixel data is present in the metadata) the Resource Category will still be Single Frame Image or Multi-Frame Image, and not Text or Other.
8.7.3 DICOM Media Type Sets
This section defines the Media Types used to represent DICOM Instances, Metadata and Bulkdata. It describes:
The Media Type and Transfer Syntax parameters for DICOM PS3.10 Instances
The Media Types that can be used for Metadata
The Media Types and Transfer Syntaxes parameters for Bulkdata
The syntax of DICOM Media Types including their Transfer Syntax and character set parameters
The Query Parameter for Transfer Syntax
The meaning of Acceptable Transfer Syntaxes and Selected Transfer Syntax
The Media Types defined in this section are distinct from those into which DICOM Instances may be rendered (which are defined in Section 8.7.4); some of the same Media Types are used for both rendered content and Bulkdata.
Depending on the service, the Media Types may be single part or multipart, and may have required or optional Transfer Syntax and/or character set parameters.
The Implicit VR Little Endian (1.2.840.10008.1.2), and Explicit VR Big Endian (1.2.840.10008.1.2.2 - Retired) Transfer Syntaxes shall not be used with Web Services.
If a Transfer Syntax parameter for a DICOM Media Type is not specified in a request or response, the Transfer Syntax in the response shall be the Transfer Syntax specified as the default for the Resource Category and Media Type combination in Table 8.7.3-2, Table 8.7.3-4 or Table 8.7.3-5, unless the origin server has only access to the pixel data in lossy compressed form or the pixel data in a lossless compressed or encapsulated uncompressed form that is of such length that it cannot be encoded in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
Table 8.7.3-1 specifies the definition of Media Type requirement terms used in the tables in this section.
Table 8.7.3-1. Definition of Media Type Requirement
The origin server shall return this Media Type when none of the Acceptable Media Types (see Section 8.7.5) are supported. The origin server shall support this Media Type.
The origin server shall support this Media Type.
The origin server may support this Media Types.
Table 8.7.3-2, Table 8.7.3-3, Table 8.7.3-4, and Table 8.7.3-5 specify the Media Types used to encode different representations of DICOM Instances. These Media Types apply to all Resource Categories and have default encodings for images and video data elements contained in the Instances. Instance Media Types
The application/dicom Media Type specifies a representation of Instances encoded in the DICOM File Format specified in Section 7 “DICOM File Format” in PS3.10.
The origin server may populate the PS3.10 File Meta Information with the identification of the Source, Sending and Receiving AE Titles and Presentation Addresses as described in Section 7.1 in PS3.10
, or these Attributes may have been left unaltered from when the origin server received the objects. The user agent storing the objects received in the response may populate or coerce these Attributes based on its own knowledge of the endpoints involved in the transaction, so that they accurately identify the most recent storage transaction.
Table 8.7.3-2 specifies the default and optional Transfer Syntax UID combinations for each DICOM Resource Category (see Table 8.7.2-1). The default Media Type for the Resource Category shall be returned when the origin server supports none of the Acceptable Media Types, unless the origin server has only access to the pixel data in lossy compressed form or the pixel data in a lossless compressed or encapsulated uncompressed form that is of such length that it cannot be encoded in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
Table 8.7.3-2. Transfer Syntax UIDs for application/dicom Media Types
Transfer Syntax UID
Transfer Syntax Name
Single Frame Image
Explicit VR Little Endian
Deflated Image Frame Compression
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction(Process 14 [Selection Value 1]): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossless JPEG Image Compression
JPEG Baseline (Process 1): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 8 Bit Image Compression
JPEG Extended (Process 2 & 4): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 12 Bit Image Compression (Process 4 only)
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14)
RLE Lossless
JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression
JPEG-LS Lossy (Near-Lossless) Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 with RPCL Options Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG XL Lossless
JPEG XL JPEG Recompression
Multi-frame Image
Explicit VR Little Endian
Deflated Image Frame Compression
JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 with RPCL Options Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG XL Lossless
JPEG XL JPEG Recompression
Explicit VR Little Endian
Deflated Image Frame Compression
MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level
MPEG2 Main Profile @ High Level
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.1
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 BD-compatible High Profile / Level 4.1
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 2D Video
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 3D Video
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Stereo High Profile / Level 4.2
Fragmentable MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level
Fragmentable MPEG2 Main Profile @ High Level
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.1
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 BD-compatible High Profile / Level 4.1
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 2D Video
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 3D Video
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Stereo High Profile / Level 4.2
HEVC/H.265 Main Profile / Level 5.1
HEVC/H.265 Main 10 Profile / Level 5.1
Explicit VR Little Endian
Explicit VR Little Endian
The Transfer Syntaxes used in a DICOM-RTV Metadata Flow are not included, since they are not used to produce a representation of an Instance encoded in the DICOM File Format. Metadata Media Types
Table 8.7.3-3 specifies the Media Types that may be used to encode representations of Metadata for the URI and RESTful services. Only the RESTful Services support Metadata representations.
Table 8.7.3-3. Media Types for Metadata
Media Type
Encodes Instances as XML Infosets defined in the Native DICOM Model defined in PS3.19.
not applicable
Encodes Instances in the JSON format defined in Annex F.
not applicable
| Bulkdata Media Types
Bulkdata representations are only supported by RESTful services. There are two categories of Bulkdata: uncompressed and compressed.
The Selected Media Type will be the default Media Type for the Resource Category when the origin server supports none of the Acceptable Media Types, as described in Section 8.7.8, unless the origin server has only access to the pixel data in lossy compressed form or the pixel data in a lossless compressed or encapsulated uncompressed form that is of such length that it cannot be encoded in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
The origin server may support additional Transfer Syntaxes.
If no Media Type Transfer Syntax parameter is specified, then the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" shall be used, unless the origin server has only access to the pixel data in lossy compressed form or the pixel data in a lossless compressed or encapsulated uncompressed form that is of such length that it cannot be encoded in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
The tables in this section have no entries for the URI service, since they do not support separate retrieval of Bulkdata.
Depending on the Selected Media Type, the pixel data of a resource in the Single Frame Image Resource Category is encoded in:
Depending on the Selected Media Type, the pixel data of a resource in the Multi-Frame Image Resource Category is encoded in:
multiple Single Frame Image compressed Bulkdata representations: one for each frame, or
one Multi-Frame Image uncompressed Bulkdata representation.
Depending on the Selected Media Type, the pixel data of a resource in the Video Resource Category is encoded in: Uncompressed Bulkdata Media Types
Table 8.7.3-4 specifies the default Media Type and Transfer Syntax UIDs, by Resource Category (see Table 8.7.2-1) that can be used with uncompressed Bulkdata for the RESTful services. Uncompressed Bulkdata is encoded as a stream of uncompressed bytes (octets) in Little Endian byte order.
This is the same encoding defined in PS3.19 for the returned value of the getData() call for uncompressed Bulkdata.
In a Multi-Frame Image with a Bits Allocated (0028,0100) of 1 that is uncompressed, the individual frames are not padded, therefore successive bits are packed into bytes or words in Native format as described in Section 8.2 “Native or Encapsulated Format Encoding” in PS3.5.
This means that if only selected frames of a Multi-Frame Image are to be encoded in the response, each frame needs to be extracted from the Multi-Frame Image pixel data and successively concatenated in the response, with no padding at the start of first byte in the response, and with no padding between successive encoded frames in the response.
I.e., all the frame-specific bitstreams are successively encoded with no padding at the beginning or in between.
Table 8.7.3-4. Transfer Syntax UIDs for Uncompressed Data in Bulkdata
Media Type
Transfer Syntax UID
Transfer Syntax Name
Single Frame Image
Explicit VR Little Endian
Multi-Frame Image
Explicit VR Little Endian
Explicit VR Little Endian
Explicit VR Little Endian
Explicit VR Little Endian
Even though the Transfer Syntax is Explicit VR Little Endian, the Value Representation is not actually encoded at the beginning of the octet-stream. The Value Representation is contained in the Metadata that references the Bulkdata. Compressed Bulkdata Media Types
Compressed Bulkdata contains only the compressed octet stream without the fragment delimiters.
Table 8.7.3-5 specifies the default and optional Media Types and Transfer Syntax UID combinations for each Resource Category (see Table 8.7.2-1) of compressed Bulkdata for the RESTful services.
Some of the Transfer Syntax Names include text about Default Transfer Syntax, however this applies to its role in DIMSE transactions, rather than the default for RESTful services (which is specified in the RESTful column of the table).
The Media Type column reflects the data encoding but does not include extended Media Type descriptors such as "multipart/related" that describe further packaging of the encoded data.
These Media Types can be used to retrieve Bulkdata, such as images or video, encoded in a specific Transfer Syntax.
For details on how Compressed Bulkdata is packaged into single part or multipart payloads, see Section 8.6.1.
Table 8.7.3-5. Media Types and Transfer Syntax UIDs for Compressed Data in Bulkdata
Resource Category
Media Type
Transfer Syntax UID
Transfer Syntax Name
Single Frame Image
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction(Process 14 [Selection Value 1]): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossless JPEG Image Compression
JPEG Baseline (Process 1): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 8 Bit Image Compression
JPEG Extended (Process 2 & 4): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 12 Bit Image Compression (Process 4 only)
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14)
Deflated Image Frame Compression
RLE Lossless
JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression
JPEG-LS Lossy (Near-Lossless) Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 with RPCL Options Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG XL Lossless
JPEG XL JPEG Recompression
Multi-frame Image
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction(Process 14 [Selection Value 1]): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossless JPEG Image Compression
JPEG Baseline (Process 1): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 8 Bit Image Compression
JPEG Extended (Process 2 & 4): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 12 Bit Image Compression (Process 4 only)
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14)
Deflated Image Frame Compression
RLE Lossless
JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression
JPEG-LS Lossy (Near-Lossless) Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression (Lossless Only)
JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 with RPCL Options Image Compression (Lossless Only)
High-Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression
JPEG XL Lossless
JPEG XL JPEG Recompression
MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level
Fragmentable MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level
MPEG2 Main Profile @ High Level
Fragmentable MPEG2 Main Profile @ High Level
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.1
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.1
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 BD-compatible High Profile / Level 4.1
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 BD-compatible High Profile / Level 4.1
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 2D Video
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 2D Video
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 3D Video
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.2 For 3D Video
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Stereo High Profile / Level 4.2
Fragmentable MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Stereo High Profile / Level 4.2
HEVC/H.265 Main Profile / Level 5.1
HEVC/H.265 Main 10 Profile / Level 5.1
Deflated Image Frame Compression
N/A (no defined compression transfer syntaxes for Text)
N/A (no defined compression transfer syntaxes for Other)
The origin server may support additional Transfer Syntaxes.
For the Media Type image/jpeg Transfer Syntaxes, the image may or may not include the JFIF marker segment. The image may or may not include APP2 marker segments with an identifier of "ICC_PROFILE". There is no requirement for the origin server to add a JFIF marker segment nor to copy the value of the ICC Profile (0028,2000) Attribute, if present, into APP2 marker segments in the compressed data stream. See Section 8.2.1 “JPEG Image Compression” in PS3.5.
For the Media Type image/jp2 and image/jpx Transfer Syntaxes, the image does not include the jp2 marker segment. See Section 8.2.4 “JPEG 2000 Image Compression” in PS3.5 and Section A.4.4 “JPEG 2000 Image Compression” in PS3.5
Compressed multi-frame image pixel data is encoded as individual frames. E.g., each frame of a JPEG 2000 multi-frame image will be encoded separately as image/jp2 representations, rather than as a single video/mj2 ([RFC3745]) or application/octet-stream representation. See Section for details on how multiple representations can be packaged into a multipart payload.
Video pixel data is encoded as a single video representation. E.g., all frames of an MPEG-4 video will be encoded as a single video/mp4 ([RFC4337]) representation.
The resource on the origin server may have been encoded in the Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian (1.2.840.10008. Transfer Syntax. If so, the origin server may inflate it, and then convert it into an Acceptable Transfer Syntax. A Content-Encoding header field of 'deflate' cannot be used to transfer the deflated bytes unaltered since the required PS3.10 File Meta Information is not included in the deflated bytes, and the Content-Encoding applies to the entire multipart stream, not each part within it individually.
The resource on the origin server may have been encoded in the Deflated Image Frame Compression (1.2.840.10008. Transfer Syntax. If so, the origin server may return the compressed bit stream if it is an Acceptable Transfer Syntax, or the origin server may inflate it, and then convert it into an Acceptable Transfer Syntax. Alternatively, if the user agent allowed a Content-Encoding header field of 'deflate', then the deflated bytes for a single part response may be transferred after adding a zlib container per [RFC7230] Section 4.2.2, but the Transfer Syntax parameter in the response should be the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
Many of the Media Types used for compressed Pixel Data transferred as Bulkdata values are also used for consumer format Media Types. A web browser may not be able to display the encoded data directly, even though some of the same Media Types are also used for encoding rendered Pixel Data. See Section 8.7.4.
For example, the Media Type for Bulkdata values of lossless 16-bit JPEG [ISO/IEC 10918-1] encoded Pixel Data is "image/jpeg", the same Media Type as might be used for 8-bit JPEG [ISO/IEC 10918-1] encoded Pixel Data, whether extracted as Bulkdata, or rendered. The Transfer Syntax parameter of the Content-Type Header Field is useful to signal the difference.
Previously, experimental Media Types "image/x-dicom-rle" and "image/x-jls" were defined, so origin servers and user agents may want to account for these when communicating with older implementations. These have been replaced with the standard Media Types "image/dicom-rle" and "image/jls", respectively.
The Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM objects contained in a payload shall be Explicit VR Little Endian Uncompressed "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1". If the Transfer Syntax is not specified in a message, then the Default Transfer Syntax shall be used, unless the origin server has only access to the pixel data in lossy compressed form or the pixel data in a lossless compressed or encapsulated uncompressed form that is of such length that it cannot be encoded in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
This is different from the Default Transfer Syntax defined in Section 10.1 “DICOM Default Transfer Syntax” in PS3.5, which is Implicit VR Little Endian.
Every origin server is required to be able to convert any Data Set it is going to return into the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax, regardless of the form in which it originally received or stored the Data Set, except in the cases of when the decompressed Pixel Data is too large to encode in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax or is received in a lossy compressed form. In the case of lossy compressed Pixel Data, the origin server is permitted to return the lossy compressed Transfer Syntax appropriate to the lossy form that was received. In the case of lossless compressed or encapsulated uncompressed Pixel Data that is too large to encode in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax, the origin server is permitted to return any appropriate lossless compression or encapsulated uncompressed Transfer Syntax, not necessarily that in which the image was received, as an alternative
to the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
If transcoding to the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax, a VR of UN may be needed for the encoding of Data Elements with explicit VR whose value length exceeds 65534 (216-2) (FFFEH, the largest even length unsigned 16 bit number) but which are defined to have a 16 bit explicit VR length field. See Section 6.2.2 in PS3.5
Implicit VR Little Endian, or Explicit VR Big Endian shall not be used.
The response payload encoding requirements are defined in Section 8.7.8.
The transfer syntax can be one of the JPIP Transfer Syntaxes, in which case the returned objects will contain the URL of the JPIP provider for retrieving the pixel data.
The origin server may support additional Transfer Syntaxes. Media Type Syntax
The syntax of Media Type usage in DICOM is:
dicom-media-type = (dcm-singlepart / dcm-multipart) [dcm-parameters]
dcm-singlepart = dcm-mt-name
dcm-multipart ;see Section
dcm-parameters = transfer-syntax-mtp ;see Section
/ charset-mtp;see Section
dcm-mt-name = dicom / dicom-metadata / bulkdata / pixeldata ;DICOM Media Type name
dicom = "application/dicom"
dicom-metadata = dicom-xml / dicom-json
dicom-xml = "application/dicom+xml"
dicom-json = "application/dicom+json"
bulkdata = octet-stream / pixeldata
octet-stream = "application/octet-stream"
pixeldata = image-pixel / video-pixel
rendered = image-pixel / video-pixel
image-pixel = "image/jpeg" / "image/dicom-rle" / "image/jls" / "image/jp2" / "image/jpx" / "image/jphc" / "image/jxl"
video-pixel = "video/mpeg" / "video/mp4" / "video/H265"
All Media Types used in DICOM may have a Transfer Syntax parameter, but its usage may be constrained by the service for which they are used.
The application/dicom+xml and application/dicom+json Media Types may have a Transfer Syntax parameter in order to specify the encoding of base64 data.
All Media Types used in DICOM may have a character set parameter, but its usage may be constrained by the service for which they are used. Multipart Media Types
The syntax of multipart Media Types is:
dcm-multipart = "multipart/related"
OWS ";" OWS "type" "=" dcm-mp-mt-name
OWS ";" OWS "boundary=" boundary
dcm-mp-mt-name = dicom-mt-name / rendered
See Section for the definition of boundary and related-parameters.
Each multipart Media Type shall include a "type" parameter that defines the Media Type of the parts and shall also include a "boundary" parameter that specifies the boundary string that is used to separate the parts. For example:
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream",
multipart/related; type="image/*"; boundary=**,
multipart/related; type="video/*"; boundary=** Transfer Syntax Parameter
For a given DICOM Media Type, a single Transfer Syntax parameter value may be specified, but its usage may be constrained by the service for which they are used.
RESTful origin servers shall support the Transfer Syntax parameter.
Transfer syntax Media Type parameters are forbidden in URI Service requests and responses.
The syntax is:
transfer-syntax-mtp = OWS ";" OWS %s"transfer-syntax=" ts-value
ts-value = transfer-syntax-uid / "*"
transfer-syntax-uid ; a UID from Table A-1 “UID Values” in PS3.6 with a UID Type of Transfer Syntax
The value of the Transfer Syntax parameter may be either a Transfer Syntax UID or the token "*".
For example, to specify that 1.2.840.10008. is the acceptable Transfer Syntaxes, an Accept Header Field could be:
Accept: application/dicom; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.
A DICOM Media Type may only have one Transfer Syntax parameter and it shall have only one value.
Per [RFC6838] Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures, it is an error for a specific parameter to be specified more than once. If a choice of Transfer Syntaxes is acceptable. more than one Media Type may be provided in the Accept header with different q parameter values to indicate preference. E.g., to specify that 1.2.840.10008. and to specify that 1.2.840.10008. are acceptable but 1.2.840.10008. is preferred, an Accept Header Field could be:
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom";transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.;boundary=**,
multipart/related; type="application/dicom";transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.;q=0.5;boundary=**
The wildcard value "*" indicates that the user agent will accept any Transfer Syntax. This allows, for example, the origin server to respond without needing to transcode an existing representation to a new Transfer Syntax, or to respond with the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax regardless of the Transfer Syntax stored, unless the origin server has only access to the pixel data in lossy compressed form or the pixel data in a lossless compressed form that is of such length that it cannot be encoded in the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.
If an Origin server supports the Transfer Syntax parameter, it shall support the wildcard value.
Origin servers that support the Transfer Syntax parameter shall specify in their Conformance Statement those values of Transfer Syntax parameter that are supported in the response.
User agents that support the Transfer Syntax parameter shall specify in their Conformance Statement those Transfer Syntax parameter values that may be supplied in the request. Character Set Parameter
All DICOM Media Types may have a single Character Set parameter, which shall have only a single value, that specifies the Acceptable Character Set for the response.
The syntax is:
charset-mtp = OWS ";" OWS %s"charset" "=" charset
All DICOM Media Types have a Default Character Set of UTF-8. See Section 8.8 for character set details. Transfer Syntax Query Parameter
The Transfer Syntax Query Parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more Transfer Syntax UIDs, as defined in PS3.6.
The syntax is:
transfer-syntax-qp = %s"transferSyntax" "=" (1#transfer-syntax-uid / "*")
This Query Parameter is only used by the URI Service.
RESTful services specify the Transfer Syntax in the "accept" Query Parameter (see Section and do not use Transfer Syntax Query Parameter. Acceptable Transfer Syntaxes
Each DICOM Media Type in the Acceptable Media Types has an Acceptable Transfer Syntax, which is explicitly specified or has a default value.
Depending on the service, the Acceptable Transfer Syntax for a DICOM Media Type can be specified in the:
Transfer Syntax Media Type parameter contained in the Accept Query Parameter (see Section
Transfer Syntax Media Type parameter contained in the Accept Header Field
Transfer Syntax Query Parameter (see Section
8.7.4 Rendered Media Types
DICOM Instances may be converted by a rendering process into non-DICOM Media Types.
This can be useful to display or process them using non-DICOM software, such as browsers.
For example, an Instance containing:
an image could be rendered into the image/jpeg, image/jph, image/jxl, image/png, or image/gif Rendered Media Types.
a multi-frame image in a lossless Transfer Syntax could be rendered into a video/mpeg, video/mp4, video/H265, or image/jxl Rendered Media Type.
a Structured Report could be rendered into a text/html, text/plain, or application/pdf Rendered Media Type.
Rendered Media Types are usually consumer format Media Types. Some of the same non-DICOM Media Types are also used as Bulkdata Media Types, that is, for encoding Bulkdata extracted from Encapsulated Pixel Data (used with compressed Transfer Syntaxes), without applying a rendering process. See Section
The rendering of Presentation States is specified in Section
Origin servers shall support rendering Instances of different Resource Categories into Rendered Media Types as specified in Table 8.7.4-1.
Table 8.7.4-1. Rendered Media Types by Resource Category
Media Type
Single Frame Image
Multi-frame Image
When an image/jpeg Media Type is returned, the image shall be encoded using the JPEG baseline lossy 8-bit Huffman encoded non-hierarchical non-sequential process defined in [ISO/IEC 10918-1].
When an image/jph Media Type is returned, the image shall be encoded with the JP2 box being present.
This representation is different from that of the stored HTJ2K Transfer Syntaxes, which do not contain the JP2 box.
The origin server may support additional Rendered Media Types, which shall be documented in the Conformance Statement and, if the service supports it, the Retrieve Capabilities response.
A Transfer Syntax Media Type parameter is not permitted for Rendered Media Types.
8.7.5 Acceptable Media Types
The term Acceptable Media Types denotes the Media Types that are acceptable to the user agent in the response. The Acceptable Media Types are those specified in:
The Accept Query Parameter, which may or may not be present.
The Accept Header Field, which shall be present.
The response to a request without an Accept Header Field shall be 406 (Not Acceptable). The presence of an Accept Query Parameter does not eliminate the need for an Accept Header Field. For details see Section
The Acceptable Media Types shall be either DICOM media-types or Rendered Media Types, but not both. If the Acceptable Media Types contains both DICOM and Rendered Media Types, the origin server shall return 400 (Bad Request).
The user agent may specify the relative degree of preference for Media Types, whether in the Accept Query Parameter or the Accept Header Field, using the weight parameter. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.1.
weight = OWS ";" OWS "q=" qvalue
qvalue = ("0" ["." 0*3DIGIT]) / ("1" ["." 0*3("0") ])
If no "q" parameter is present, the default qvalue is 1.
8.7.6 Accept Query Parameter
The Accept Query Parameter can be used to specify Acceptable Media Types. See Section 8.7.5.
8.7.7 Accept Header Field
The Accept Header Field is used to specify Media Types acceptable to the user agent. It has the following syntax:
Accept = 1#(media-range [weight])
The Accept Header Field value shall be a comma-separated list of one or more media ranges acceptable in the response. See [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.2.
A media range is either a media-type or a wildcard. Wildcards use the asterisk ("*") to group Media Types into ranges, with <type>/* indicating all subtypes of that type, and */* indicating all Media Types. For example, the media range image/* matches image/jpeg, which is the default Media Type for the Single Frame Image Resource Category, and text/* matches text/html, which is the default Media Type for the Text Resource Category. DICOM specifies that the */* media range matches the default Media Type for the target's Resource Category. If no default Media Type is defined for a Resource Category, then any Media Type from the Resource Category is acceptable.
If the response might contain a payload, an Accept Header Field shall be present in the request.
If the origin server receives a request without an Accept Header Field, but that might have a response payload, it shall return a 406 (Not Acceptable).
Any Accept Header Field values, including Media Type parameters, that are not valid or not supported shall be ignored by the origin server.
8.7.8 Selected Media Type and Transfer Syntax
The selection of the Media Type and transfer syntax by the origin server are interrelated. Selected Media Type
The Selected Media Type is the Media Type selected by the origin server for the representation in the response payload. The Media Types in the Accept Query Parameter and the media ranges in the Accept Header Field shall each be separately prioritized according to the rules defined in [RFC7231]
Section 5.3.1.
For multipart payloads, the Selected Media Type is determined independently for each message part in the response.
The Selected Media Type of each message part depends on the Resource Category of the Instance and the Acceptable Media Types for that Resource Category.
The Selected Media Type is chosen as follows:
Identify the target's Resource Category
Select the representation with the highest priority supported Media Type for that category in the Accept Query Parameter.
If no Media Type in the Accept Query Parameter is supported, select the highest priority supported Media Type for that category in the Accept Header Field, if any.
Otherwise, select the default Media Type for the category, if the Accept Header Field contains a wildcard media range matching the category, if any.
Otherwise, return a 406 (Not Acceptable).
If the Selected Media Type is the Explicit VR Little Endian and the pixel data is compressed and when uncompressed is of such length that it cannot contained in a value field, then the origin server will respond with a 406 (Not Acceptable), and the user agent may try again with a different set of Acceptable Media Types.
If transcoding to the Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax, a VR of UN may be needed for the encoding of Data Elements with explicit VR whose value length exceeds 65534 (216-2) (FFFEH, the largest even length unsigned 16-bit number) but which are defined to have a 16-bit explicit VR length field. See Section 6.2.2 “Unknown (UN) Value Representation” in PS3.5.
For a set of Media Types in the Accept Query Parameter (step 2 above), or for a set of media ranges in the Accept Header Field (step 3 above), the highest priority supported Media Type is determined as follows:
Assign a qvalue of 1 to any member of the set that does not have a one.
Assign each representation supported by the origin server the qvalue of the most specific Media Type that it matches.
Select the representation with the highest qvalue. If there is a tie, the origin server shall determine which is returned.
For example, consider an origin server which receives a request with the following Accept Header Field:
Accept: text/*; q=0.5, text/html; q=0.4, text/html; level=1, text/html; level=2; q=0.7,
image/png, */*; q=0.4
Suppose that for the resource indicated in the request, the origin server supports representations for the following Media Types:
text/html (regular, level 1 and level 2)
These Media Types are assigned the following qvalues, based on the media ranges above:
Table 8.7.8-1. Media Type QValue Example
Media Type
Determining Media Range
text/html; level=1
text/html; level=1
text/html; level=2
text/html; level=2
Although "image/png" has been assigned a default qvalue of 1.0, it is not among the supported Media Types for this resource, and thus is not listed.
The selected Media Type is 'text/html; level=1' since it is the supported Media Type in the Text Category with the highest qvalue. Selected Transfer Syntax
The Selected Transfer Syntax is the Transfer Syntax selected by the origin server to encode a single message part in the response.
The origin server shall first determine the Selected Media Type as defined in Section 8.7.8 and then determine the Selected Transfer Syntax.
If the Selected Media Type was contained in the Accept Query Parameter, then the Selected Transfer Syntax is determined as follows:
Select the value of the Transfer Syntax parameter of the Selected Media Type, if any;
Otherwise, select the value of the Transfer Syntax in the Transfer Syntax Query Parameter, if any;
Otherwise select the default Transfer Syntax (see Table 8.7.3-2, Table 8.7.3-4 or Table 8.7.3-5) for the Selected Media Type.
If the Selected Media Type was contained in the Accept Header Field, then the Selected Transfer Syntax is determined as follows:
Select the Transfer Syntax parameter for the Selected Media Type, if any;
Otherwise, select the default Transfer Syntax for the Selected Media Type.
The Selected Transfer Syntax may be different for each message part contained in a response.
Implementers may use a different selection algorithm if the result is the same.
8.7.9 Content-Type Header Field
The Content-Type Header Field specifies the Media Type of the payload. It shall only be present when a payload is present, and any Media Type parameters shall specify the encoding of the corresponding message part.
In particular, a DICOM Media Type used as the value of a Content-Type Header Field shall have zero or one Transfer Syntax parameter (see Section, and zero or one charset parameter (see Section, which corresponds to the character encoding of the corresponding message part.
Content-Type: dicom-media-type +transfer-syntax-mtp +charset-mtp
If there is a conflict between the Transfer Syntax specified in the Media Type and the one specified in the File Meta Information Transfer Syntax UID (0002,0010) Attribute, the latter has precedence.
HTTP uses charset names to indicate or negotiate the character encoding of textual content in representations [RFC6365]
Section 3.3.
Character sets may be identified using the value in the IANA Preferred MIME Name column in [IANA Character Sets].
Character sets may also be identified by using the DICOM Defined Terms for the character set (see Annex D, Section C. in PS3.3
, and Section “Encoding of Character Repertoires” in PS3.5), which shall be quoted strings since they contain the space (' ') character.
The syntax is:
charset = token / defined-term / DQUOTE defined-term DQUOTE
The origin server shall support the "UTF-8" charset name for RESTful Retrieve Rendered transaction but is not required to support the DICOM Defined Term "ISO_IR 192". Some DICOM Defined Terms for character sets contain space characters, and shall be enclosed in double quotes in HTTP Header Fields and percent encoded in URIs.
The Conformance Statement shall document all supported character sets. The Retrieve Capabilities response for all RESTful Services shall also document all supported character sets.
A request without any Character Set Query Parameter or Accept-Charset Header Field implies that the user agent will accept any character set in the response.
Annex D contains a mapping of some Specific Character Set (0008,0005) Defined Terms to IANA charset tokens.
8.8.1 Acceptable Character Sets
The term Acceptable Character Sets denotes the character sets that are acceptable to the user agent in the response. The Acceptable Character Sets are those specified in:
the "charset" Media Type parameter
the character set Query Parameter
the Accept-Charset Header Field
the default character set for the Media Type, if any
When Acceptable Character Sets contains a list of one or more Defined Terms they shall be ordered by the user agent as specified in Section C. “Specific Character Set” in PS3.3, and Section “Encoding of Character Repertoires” in PS3.5. This is especially important for ISO 2022 character sets.
Any charset values that are not valid or not supported shall be ignored by the origin server.
8.8.3 Character Set Media Type Parameters
DICOM Media Types accept character set (charset) parameters. See Section
Many other Media Types also accept character set (charset) parameters. See [IANA Media Types].
8.8.4 Accept-charset Header Field
The Accept-Charset Header Field has the following syntax:
Accept-Charset = 1#(charset [weight]) / ("*" [weight])
The user agent may provide a list of Acceptable Character Sets in the Accept-Charset Header Field of the request. Its value is a comma-separated list of one or more charsets and/or the wildcard value ("*").
The values of the Accept-Charset Header Field values are prioritized by their weight parameter.
If no wildcard ("*") is present, then any character sets not explicitly mentioned in the Header Field are considered "not acceptable" to the client.
If the Media Type defines a "charset" parameter, it shall be included with the Media Type in the Accept Header Field, rather than in the Accept-Charset Header Field.
8.8.5 Selected Character Set
The origin server shall determine the Selected Character Set(s) as follows:
Select the first supported character set in the "charset" parameter(s) of the Selected Media Type.
Otherwise, select the highest priority supported charset in the character-set Query Parameter.
Otherwise, select the highest priority supported charset in the Accept-Charset Header Field.
Otherwise, if the Selected Media Type has a default character set that is supported, select it.
Otherwise, select UTF-8.
Rendered representations returned in the response shall have all contained strings returned in the Selected Character Sets.
If the character set in which the Target Resource is encoded is not the Selected Character Set:
If the origin server supports transcoding all glyphs used in the Target Resource into the Selected Character Set, it shall transcode the response payload into the Selected Character Set
Otherwise, the origin server shall return 406 (Not Acceptable).
This means that some Instances may be convertible, and others will not be, even though they have the same Specific Character Set (0008,0005).
If the user agent chooses to perform its own conversion rather than have it done by the origin server:
The user agent may omit the Accept-Charset Header Field or send the"*"wildcard
The user agent may transcode the character set replacing all unknown characters with a suitable replacement. For example:
A question mark ("?"), or other similar character indicating an unknown character.
The corresponding Unicode Code Point for the character, represented as "U+xxxx".
The four characters "\nnn", where "nnn" is the 3-digit octal representation of each byte (see Section “Encoding of Character Repertoires” in PS3.5).
8.9 Retrieve Capabilities Transaction
This transaction retrieves a Capabilities Description (see Annex H), which is a machine-readable description of the service(s) implemented by an origin server. All RESTful services defined by this Part of the Standard shall implement this transaction.
The Target Resource for this transaction is an origin server. The response contains a Capabilities Description, which describes the transactions, resources, representations, etc. that are supported by the service(s).
The request shall have the following syntax:
Accept: 1#media-type CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The Target Resource for this transaction is the Base URI ("/") for the Service. See Section 8.2.
This transaction has no Query Parameters. Request Header Fields
Table 8.9.1-1. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The Acceptable Media Types for the response payload
The Acceptable Character Sets of the response payload
See also Section 8.4.
The request has no payload.
The origin server shall return a Capabilities Description, as defined in Annex H, in an Acceptable Media Type.
The format of the response is as follows:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint) / (Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
[payload / status-report]
Table 8.9.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 8.9.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
All Instances were successfully retrieved.
304 (Not Modified)
The user agent's current representation is up to date, so no payload was returned. This status code shall only be returned for a conditional request containing an If-None-Match Header Field.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request.
| Response Header Fields
Table 8.9.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The media-type of the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
See also Section 8.4.
A success response shall have a payload containing a Capabilities Description in the Selected Media Type. The Capabilities Description shall conform to the requirements and structure defined in Annex H.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
The Media Types supported by the Retrieve Capabilities service are application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml (Web Application Description Language) or application/json.
Some RESTful Services support Notifications.
An implementation shall document whether or not it supports notifications in the Conformance Statement. If the service supports notification it shall describe how WebSocket connections are opened.
8.10.3 Transaction Overview
Any service that supports Notifications shall support the following transactions:
Table 8.10.3-1. Notification Sub-System Transactions
Open Notification Connection
The user agent requests that the origin server create a Notification Connection between them.
Send Event Report
The origin server sends an Event Report to an End-Point
8.10.4 Open Notification Connection Transaction
This transaction creates a connection between the user agent and the origin server over which the origin server can send Event Reports to the user agent.
An origin server might play the role of a user agent when communicating with another origin-server.
The connection uses the WebSocket protocol. The connection can use the same TCP port as the HTTP connection, but they are separate connections.
See [RFC6455] for details of the WebSocket protocol.
There is more than one way to establish a WebSocket connection. An origin server that conforms to [RFC6455] will at least support requests to open a WebSocket over an HTTP connection that have the following syntax:
GET SP / SP version CRLF
Host: host CRLF
Upgrade: "WebSocket" CRLF
Connection: "Upgrade" CRLF
Origin: url CRLF
Sec-WebSocket-Key: nonce CRLF
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: protocols CRLF
Sec-WebSocket-Version: "13" CRLF
*(<header-field> CRLF)
The origin server may support other methods of opening a WebSocket connection, which should be included in the Conformance Statement and the Retrieve Capabilities response. Target Resources
The Target Resource is an origin server implementing a DICOM RESTful Service. Query Parameters
This transaction has no query parameters. Request Header Fields
Table 8.10.4-1 shows the Request Header Field usage for opening a WebSocket connection over http/https.
Table 8.10.4-1. Request Header Fields
For details of the Request Header Field values and other methods of opening a WebSocket connection see [RFC6455]. Request Payload
The request has no payload.
When the origin server receives this request, it shall open and maintain a WebSocket connection between itself and the user agent.
If the connection is lost at any point, the user agent can re-establish it by repeating this transaction.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
Upgrade: "WebSocket" CRLF
Connection: "Upgrade" CRLF
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: response-key CRLF
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: protocol CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
Table 8.10.4-2 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 8.10.4-2. Status Code Meaning
101 (Switching Protocols)
The protocol was successfully changed to WebSocket.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request.
| Response Header Fields
Table 8.10.4-3. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
See [RFC6455]
See [RFC6455]
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
The response has no payload.
8.10.5 Send Event Report Transaction
The origin server uses this transaction to notify a user agent of Events.
This transaction sends a notification, containing an Event Report, over an established Notification Connection from an origin server to a user agent. Unlike most transactions, this transaction is initiated by the origin server.
This transaction corresponds to a DIMSE N-EVENT-REPORT action.
Each service may define Events, and the corresponding Event Report messages and their contents, related to its resources.
The request shall use the WebSocket Data Frame transmission protocol. Request Payload
The data frames shall have an opcode of "%x1" (text).
The data frame payload data shall be a DICOM JSON Dataset containing the Attributes of the Event Report.
The WebSocket protocol does not currently allow content negotiation so it is not possible to support both XML and JSON encoding of Event Report messages.
If the Event Reports are being proxied into DIMSE N-EVENT Reports, a Message ID (0000,0110) must be managed by the proxy.
The user agent shall accept all Attributes included in any Event Report. No requirements are placed on what the user agent does with this information.
8.11 Security and Privacy
It is very likely that DICOM objects contain Protected Health Information. Privacy regulations in the United States (HIPAA), Europe (GDPR), and elsewhere, require that Individually Identifiable Information be kept private. It is the responsibility of those implementing and deploying the DICOM Standard to ensure that applicable regulations for security and privacy are satisfied.
See, for example, [ONC Privacy Security Guide].
Some types of images, such as rendered volumes, or the source slices from which they are created, may include recognizable visual features.
The DICOM PS3.10 File Format has security considerations that will apply whenever DICOM PS3.10 File format is used. See Section 7.5 in PS3.10
11 Worklist Service and Resources
The Worklist Service, also known as UPS-RS, defines a RESTful interface to the Unified Procedure Step Service SOP Classes defined in Section B.26 “Unified Procedure Step IOD” in PS3.3 and Section CC “Unified Procedure Step Service and SOP Classes (Normative)” in PS3.4, in which UPS behavior is specified.
The Worklist Service manages a single Worklist containing one or more Workitems. Each Workitem represents a procedure step. User agents and origin servers can create, retrieve, update, search for, and change the state of Workitems. See Section GGG “Unified Worklist and Procedure Step - UPS (Informative)” in PS3.17 for an overview of Worklists and Workitems (UPS Instances).
11.1.1 Resource Descriptions
There are three resources defined by this service:
In the Worklist Service, the Workitem is identified by a Workitem UID, which corresponds to the Affected SOP Instance UID and Requested SOP Instance UID used in the PS3.4 UPS Service.
The following URI Template variables are used in the definitions of the resources throughout Section 11.
The Worklist Service manages a UPS Worklist and its Workitems. The URI Templates defined by this service are specified in Table 11.1.1-1.
Table 11.1.1-1. Resources, URI Templates and Descriptions
URI Template
The Base URI of the Worklist Service. A Worklist contains and manages a collection of Workitems. There is only one Worklist per service.
All Workitems
The Workitems resource contains the entire collection of workitems in the Worklist.
The Workitem resource contains a single Workitem.
Workitem State
The Workitem State resource is used to change the state of a Workitem.
Workitem Request Cancellation
The Workitem Cancel resource is used to request the cancellation of a Workitem.
Workitem Subscription
The Subscription to a Workitem.
Worklist Subscription
The Workitem Subscription resource contains a Subscription to the Worklist
Filtered Worklist Subscription
The Workitem Subscribers resource contains a single Worklist Subscriber.
| Web Services and DIMSE Terminology
Table 11.1.1-2. Correspondence between RESTful and DIMSE Terminology
RESTful Term
UPS Instance
Deletion Lock
Deletion Lock
Matching Keys
Matching Key
Matching Key
Subscription Generator
Worklist Subscription
Filtered Worklist Subscription
Suspend Subscription
Suspend Worklist Subscription
Notification Connection
11.1.2 Common Query Parameters
The origin server shall support Query Parameters as required in Table 11.1.2-1.
The user agent shall supply in the request Query Parameters as required in Table 11.1.2-1.
Table 11.1.2-1. Common Query Parameters
See also Section 8.4.
11.1.3 Common Media Types
The origin server shall support the Media Types listed as Default or Required in Table 11.1.3-1.
Table 11.1.3-1. Default, Required, and Optional Media Types
multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"; boundary={boundary}
Specifies that the payload is a multipart message body where each part is a PS3.19 Native DICOM Model XML Infoset containing the appropriate Workitem Attributes. See Section A.1 in PS3.19
Specifies that the payload is a JSON array containing Workitems, and each Workitem contains the appropriate Attributes. SeeSection F.2.
The transactions shall not support Metadata or Bulkdata objects.
An origin server shall support sets of transactions of this service that correspond to one or more UPS SOP Classes (DIMSE Service Groups). See Section CC.2 in PS3.4
. Additional requirements for an origin server that is also a Unified Worklist and Procedure Step SCP are described in Section CC.1 in PS3.4
A user agent or origin server implementing the Worklist Service shall comply with all requirements placed on the SCU or SCP, respectively, for the corresponding services in Annex CC “Unified Procedure Step Service and SOP Classes (Normative)” in PS3.4 including Conformance Statement requirements.
An implementation supporting the Worklist Service shall describe its support in its Conformance Statement and in its response to the Retrieve Capabilities transaction, and whether it plays the role of origin server, user agent, or both.
11.3 Transactions Overview
The Worklist Service consists of the transactions in Table 11.3-1.
Table 11.3-1. Worklist Service Methods and Resource Templates
Success Response
Creates a new Workitem
Retrieves the Target Workitem
Updates the Target Workitem
Change State
Changes the state of the Target Workitem
Request Cancellation
Requests that the origin server cancel a Workitem
Searches for Workitems
Creates a Subscription to the Target Worklist or Target Workitem
Cancels a Subscription from the Target Worklist or Target Workitem
The details of all state transition requirements can be found in Section CC.1.1 “Unified Procedure Step States” in PS3.4.
The Request Cancellation transaction does not perform an actual state transition, but it might cause a state transition.
When creating a new Workitem, to convey the Workitem UID that is to be assigned, DIMSE uses the Affected SOP Instance UID in the DIMSE header. In the Web Services, the Workitem UID is included as a Query Parameter to the Create request. All Attributes in the HTTP transaction payloads are the same as those in the DIMSE payload.
11.4 Create Workitem Transaction
This transaction creates a Workitem on the target Worklist. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-CREATE operation.
The request shall have the following syntax:
POST SP /workitems ?{workitem} SP version CRLF
Accept: dicom-media-type CRLF
Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF
(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.5.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The Target Resource is either the Worklist, or a Workitem.
Table 11.4.1-1. Create Transaction Resources
URI Template
If the Target Resource is the Worklist, then the Workitem dataset in the payload shall contain the Workitem UID
The value of the workitem Query Parameter is the Workitem UID, which corresponds to the Affected SOP Instance UID of the UPS DIMSE N-CREATE operation. Query Parameters
The origin server shall support Query Parameters as required in Section 11.1.2.
The user agent shall supply in the request Query Parameters as required in Section 11.1.2. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields in Table 11.4.1-3.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.4.1-3.
Table 11.4.1-3. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The media-type of the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
See also Section 8.4.
The payload shall have a single part, containing a Workitem encoded in the Media Type specified in the Content-Type Header Field. The payload shall contain all data elements to be stored. The Affected SOP Instance UID shall not be present in the Workitem dataset.
The Workitem in the payload shall comply with all Instance requirements in the Req. Type N-CREATE column of Table CC.2.5-3 “UPS SOP Class N-CREATE/N-SET/N-GET/C-FIND Attributes” in PS3.4.
The origin server shall create a new Workitem in the SCHEDULED state and return a URL referencing the newly created Workitem in the Location Header Field of the response. A Workitem will only be added to the Worklist once.
The origin server shall create and maintain the Workitem as specified by the SCP behavior defined in Section CC.2.5.3 in PS3.4
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
Content-Location: representation CRLF
Location: resource CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
Table 11.4.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.4.3-1. Status Code Meaning
201 (Created)
The Target Workitem was successfully added to the Worklist.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request. For example, the request payload did not satisfy the requirements of the Req. Type N-CREATE column of Table CC.2.5-3 “UPS SOP Class N-CREATE/N-SET/N-GET/C-FIND Attributes” in PS3.4.
409 (Conflict)
The Target Workitem already exists.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.4.3-2.
Table 11.4.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
Shall be present if the response has a payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload
Shall be present if transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
Shall be present if the response has a payload containing a resource. See Section 8.4.3.
May be present otherwise
A URL-reference to the created Workitem.
Shall be present if a Workitem was created.
May be present if the payload contains a resource
See below
Shall be present if the Target Workitem was modified by the origin server and shall include the warning below
If the Target Workitem was modified by the origin server, the response shall also have the following Warning header:
Warning: 299 <service>: The Workitem was created with modifications.CRLF
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response should have no payload.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.5 Retrieve Workitem Transaction
This transaction retrieves a Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-GET operation.
The requirement for the origin server to respond to Retrieve Workitem requests for UPS Instances that have moved to the COMPLETED or CANCELED state is limited. See Section CC.2.1.3 in PS3.4
The request shall have the following syntax:
GET SP /workitems/{workitem} SP version CRLF
Accept dicom-media-type CRLF
[Cache-Control: no-cache CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.7.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The Target Resource of this transaction is a Workitem. Query Parameters
The user agent shall supply, and the origin server shall support, the Common Query Parameters in Section 11.1.2. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.5.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.5.1-1.
Table 11.5.1-1. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The Acceptable Media Types of the response payload
See also Section 8.4.
The request has no payload.
If the Workitem exists on the origin server, the Workitem shall be returned in an Acceptable Media Type (see Section 8.7.4); however, the origin server may send a failure response to requests for Workitems that have moved to the COMPLETED or CANCELED state. See Section CC.2.1.3 in PS3.4
The returned Workitem shall not contain the Transaction UID (0008,1195) Attribute. This is necessary to preserve this Attribute's role as an access lock.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
[workitem / status-report]
Table 11.5.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.5.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
All Instances were successfully retrieved.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request.
404 (Not Found)
The origin server has no knowledge of the Target Workitem. See Section CC.2.1.3 “Service Class Provider Behavior” in PS3.4.
409 (Conflict)
The request cannot be performed for one of the following reasons:
the submitted request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem
the Transaction UID is missing
the Transaction UID is incorrect
410 (Gone)
The origin server knows that the Target Workitem did exist but has been deleted.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.5.3-2.
Table 11.5.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
Media Type of the Target Workitem or Status Report in payload
Shall be present if the response has a payload containing a resource. See Section 8.4.3.
May be present otherwise
Shall be present if no transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response has a single part payload containing the requested Workitem in the Selected Media Type.
The Workitem in the payload shall comply with all Instance requirements in the Req. Type N-GET column of Table CC.2.5-3 “UPS SOP Class N-CREATE/N-SET/N-GET/C-FIND Attributes” in PS3.4.
If the Workitem is in the IN PROGRESS state, the returned Workitem shall not contain the Transaction UID (0008,1195) Attribute of the Workitem, since that should only be known to the Owner.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.6 Update Workitem Transaction
This transaction modifies Attributes of an existing Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-SET operation.
The request shall have the following syntax:
POST SP /workitems/{workitem}?{transaction-uid} SP version CRLF
Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF
(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF
Content-Location: url CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.6.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The Target Resource for this transaction is a Workitem. Query Parameters
The origin server and user agent shall supply the Common Query Parameters in Section 11.1.2.
The origin server shall also supply the Transaction UID Query Parameter, which specifies the Transaction UID of the Workitem to be updated. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.6.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.6.1-1.
Table 11.6.1-1. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The media-type of the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
See also Section 8.4.
The request payload contains a dataset with the changes to the target Workitem. The dataset shall include all elements that are to be modified. All modifications to the Workitem shall comply with all requirements described in Section CC.2.6.2 in PS3.4
The origin server shall modify the target Workitem as specified by the request, and in a manner consistent with the SCP behavior specified in Section CC.2.6.3 in PS3.4
If the Workitem is in the COMPLETED or CANCELED state, the response shall be a 400 (Bad Request) failure response.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: workitem CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The response shall contain an appropriate status code.
Table 11.6.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.6.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The Target Workitem was updated.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request. For example:
the Target Workitem was in the COMPLETED or CANCELED state
the Transaction UID is missing
the Transaction UID is incorrect, or
the dataset did not conform to the requirements
404 (Not Found)
The Target Workitem was not found.
409 (Conflict)
The request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem
410 (Gone)
The Target Workitem once existed, but no longer exists.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.6.3-2.
Table 11.6.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The media-type of the payload
Shall be present if no transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
Shall be present if the response has a payload containing a resource. See Section 8.4.3.
May be present otherwise
see below
If the Target Workitem was modified by the origin server shall include one of the Warning Header Fields below.
If the Workitem was successfully updated but with modifications made by the origin server, the response shall include the following in the Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: The Workitem was updated with modifications.
If optional Attributes were rejected, the response shall include the following Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: Requested optional Attributes are not supported.
If the request was rejected with a failure status code, the response shall include a Warning Header Field with one of following messages that best describes the nature of the conflict:
Warning: 299 <service>: The target URI did not reference a claimed Workitem.
Warning: 299 <service>: The submitted request is inconsistent with the current state of the Workitem.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response shall have either no payload, or a payload containing a Status Report document.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.7 Change Workitem State Transaction
This transaction is used to change the state of a Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Change UPS State". State changes are used to claim ownership, complete, or cancel a Workitem.
The request shall have the following syntax:
PUT SP /workitems/{workitem}/state SP version CRLF
Content-Type: dicom-media-type
(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.1.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The Target Resource for this transaction is a Workitem. Query Parameters
The user agent shall supply, and the origin server shall support, the Common Query Parameters in Section 11.1.2. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.7.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.7.1-1.
Table 11.7.1-1. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The Acceptable Media Types of the response payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
See also Section 8.4.
The request payload shall contain the Change UPS State Data Elements as specified in Table CC.2.1-1 “Change UPS State - Action Information” in PS3.4. These data elements are:
Transaction UID (0008,1195)
The request payload shall include a Transaction UID. The user agent creates the Transaction UID when requesting a transition to the IN PROGRESS state for a given Workitem. The user agent provides that Transaction UID in subsequent transactions with that Workitem.
Procedure Step State (0074,1000)
The legal values correspond to the requested state transition. They are: "IN PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", or "CANCELED".
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF) CRLF
Table 11.7.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.7.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The update was successful, and the response payload contains a Status Report document.
400 (Bad Request)
The request cannot be performed for one of the following reasons:
the request is invalid given the current state of the Target Workitem
the Transaction UID is missing
the Transaction UID is incorrect
404 (Not Found)
The Target Workitem was not found.
409 (Conflict)
The request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem
410 (Gone)
The Target Workitem once existed, but no longer exists.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.7.3-2.
Table 11.7.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The media-type of the payload.
Shall be present if no transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if the response has a payload containing a resource. See Section 8.4.3.
May be present otherwise.
See below.
If the user agent specifies a Procedure Step State (0074,1000) Attribute with a value of "CANCELED" and the Workitem is already in that state, the response message shall include the following HTTP Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: The UPS is already in the requested state of CANCELED.
If the user agent specifies a Procedure Step State (0074,1000) Attribute with a value of "COMPLETED" and the UPS Instance is already in that state, the response message shall include the following HTTP Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: The UPS is already in the requested state of COMPLETED.
If the request was rejected with a failure status code, the response message shall include one of following messages in the HTTP Warning Header Field describing the nature of the conflict:
Warning: 299 <service>: The Transaction UID is missing.
Warning: 299 <service>: The Transaction UID is incorrect.
Warning: 299 <service>: The submitted request is inconsistent with the state of the UPS Instance.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response shall have no payload.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.8 Request Cancellation Transaction
This transaction allows a user agent that does not own a Workitem to request that it be canceled. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Request UPS Cancel". See Section CC.2.2 in PS3.4
To cancel a Workitem that the user agent owns, i.e., that is in the IN PROGRESS state, the user agent uses the Change Workitem State transaction as described in Section 11.7.
The request shall have the following syntax:
POST SP /workitems/{workitem}/cancelrequest SP version CRLF
Content-Type: dicom-media-type
(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.2.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The Target Resource for this transaction is a Workitem. Query Parameters
The user agent shall supply, and the origin server shall support, the Common Query Parameters in Section 11.1.2. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.8.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.8.1-1.
Table 11.8.1-1. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The media-type of the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
See also Section 8.4.
The request payload, if present, may describe the reason for requesting the cancellation of the Workitem, a Contact Display Name, and/or a Contact URI for the person with whom the cancel request may be discussed.
The Request UPS Cancel Action Information is specified in Table CC.2.2-1 “Request UPS Cancel - Action Information” in PS3.4.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type dicom-media-type CRLF]
[Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF) CRLF
Table 11.8.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.8.3-1. Status Code Meaning
202 (Accepted)
The request was accepted by the origin server, but the Target Workitem state has not necessarily changed yet.
The owner of the Workitem is not obliged to honor the request to cancel and, in some scenarios, may not even receive notification of the request.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the syntax of the request.
404 (Not Found)
The Target Workitem was not found.
409 (Conflict)
The request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem. For example, the Target Workitem is in the SCHEDULED or COMPLETED state.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.8.3-2.
Table 11.8.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The Media Type of the Status Report document.
Shall be present if the response contains a payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
If the Workitem Instance is already in a canceled state, the response message shall include the following HTTP Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: The UPS is already in the requested state of CANCELED.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
The response may include a payload containing an appropriate Status Report.
This transaction searches the Worklist for Workitems that match the specified Query Parameters and returns a list of matching Workitems. Each Workitem in the returned list includes return Attributes specified in the request. The transaction corresponds to the UPS DIMSE C-FIND operation.
The request shall have the following syntax:
GET SP /workitems?{&match*}{&includefield}{&fuzzymatching}{&offset}{&limit} SP version CRLF
Accept: dicom-media-types CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.8.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The Target Resource for this transaction is the Worklist. Query Parameters
The origin server shall support Query Parameters as required in Table 8.3.4-1.
The user agent shall supply in the request Query Parameters as required in Table 8.3.4-1. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.9.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.9.1-1.
Table 11.9.1-1. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The Acceptable Media Types of the response payload.
If included, specifies that search results returned should be current and not cached.
See also Section 8.4.
The request has no payload.
The origin server shall perform a search according the requirements specified in Section 8.3.4.
For each matching Workitem, the origin server shall include in the results:
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
[search-results / status-report]
Table 11.9.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.9.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The search completed successfully, and the matching results are returned in the message body.
204 (No Content)
The search completed successfully, but there were no matching results.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request. For example, an invalid Query Parameter syntax.
413 (Payload Too Large)
The size of the results exceeds the maximum payload size supported by the origin server. The user agent may repeat the request with paging or with a narrower query to reduce the size of the result.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.9.3-2.
Table 11.9.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The media-type of the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if the response has a payload containing a resource. See Section 8.4.3.
May be present otherwise.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response payload shall contain the search results in an Acceptable Media Type. See Section 8.7.5. If there are no matching results the payload will be empty. See Section 8.6.
Each search result in the payload shall comply with all requirements in the Matching Key Type and Return Key Type columns of Table CC.2.5-3 “UPS SOP Class N-CREATE/N-SET/N-GET/C-FIND Attributes” in PS3.4.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.10 Subscribe Transaction
This transaction creates a Subscription to a Worklist or Workitem resource. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Subscribe to Receive UPS Event Reports".
Once a Subscription has been created the user agent will receive notifications containing Event Reports for events associated with the Subscription's resource. To receive the notifications generated by Subscriptions, the user agent must have first opened a Notification Connection between itself and the origin server using the Open Notification Connection transaction; see Section 8.10.4.
The request shall have the following syntax:
POST SP /workitems/{resource}/subscribers/{aetitle}{?deletionlock}{&filter} SP version CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.3.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4. Target Resources
The origin server shall support the resources in Table 11.10.1-1.
Table 11.10.1-1. Subscribe Transaction Resources
URI Template
Worklist Subscription
Filtered Worklist Subscription
Workitem Subscription
| Query Parameters
The origin server shall support Query Parameters as required in Table 11.10.1-2.
The user agent shall supply in the request Query Parameters as required in Table 11.10.1-2.
Table 11.10.1-2. Query Parameters by Resource
User Agent
Origin Server
Media Type
Worklist, Filtered Worklist, Workitem
Worklist, Filtered Worklist, Workitem
Worklist, Filtered Worklist, Workitem
1#(attribute"=" value)
Filtered Worklist
Shall be present if the Target Resource is the Filtered Worklist.
The Deletion Lock Query Parameter has the following syntax:
deletionlock = "deletionlock=" true / false
If present with a value of true the Subscription will be created with a Deletion Lock (see Section CC.2.3.1 “Action Information” in PS3.4).
The Filter Query Parameter has the following syntax:
filter = 1#(attribute "=" value)
It is a comma-separated list of one or more matching keys (attribute/value pairs). A Workitem Subscription will be created for any existing and future Workitem that matches the attribute/value pairs of the filter. The valid Attributes for this Query Parameter are defined by the UPS IOD (see Section B.26.2 “IOD Modules” in PS3.3).
See Section for the syntax of matching keys. Request Header Fields
The request has no mandatory Header Fields. See Section 8.4. Request Payload
The request has no payload.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
Table 11.10.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.10.3-1. Status Code Meaning
201 (Created)
The Subscription was created.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the syntax of the request.
403 (Forbidden)
The origin server understood the request but is refusing to perform the query (e.g., the origin server does not support Worklist Subscription Filtering, or an authenticated user has insufficient privileges).
404 (Not Found)
The Target Resource was not found.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.10.3-2.
Table 11.10.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
Shall be present if the response contains a payload.
A URL-reference to the WebSocket Connection.
Shall be present if a Subscription was created.
The URL shall include the WebSocket protocol (either WS or WSS) and may include a combination of authority and path.
See below.
If the Create Subscription request was accepted but the Deletion Lock was not, the response shall include the following Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: Deletion Lock not granted.
and may include a Status Report.
If the request was rejected with a 403 status code because Filtered Worklist Subscription is not supported, the response shall include the following Warning Header Field:
Warning: 299 <service>: Filtered Worklist Subscriptions are not supported.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response payload may contain a Status Report.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.11 Unsubscribe Transaction
This transaction is used to stop the origin server from sending new Event Reports to the user agent and may also stop the origin server from subscribing the user agent to new Workitems.
The request shall have the following syntax:
DELETE SP {/resource} SP version CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
CRLF Target Resources
The origin server shall support the resources in Table 11.11.1-1.
Table 11.11.1-1. Unsubscribe Transaction Resources
URI Template
Worklist Subscription
Filtered Worklist Subscription
Workitem Subscription
| Query Parameters
The request has no Query Parameters. Request Header Fields
The request has no Mandatory Header Fields. Request Payload
The request has no payload.
Upon receipt of an Unsubscribe request, the origin server shall attempt to remove the Workitem Subscription, Worklist Subscription, or Filtered Worklist Subscription of the specified Application Entity with respect to the specified Workitem UID, Worklist UID, or Filtered Worklist UID as described in Section CC.2.3.3 in PS3.4
and then return an appropriate response.
For a Workitem resource, this corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Unsubscribe from Receiving UPS Event Reports".
For a Worklist or Filtered Worklist resource this transaction corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Unsubscribe from Receiving UPS Event Reports" for the Global Subscription identified by the well-known UID.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
Table 11.11.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.11.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The Subscription(s) were removed.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request. For example, the Target Workitem UID is missing.
404 (Not Found)
The target Subscription was not found.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.11.3-2.
Table 11.11.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The media-type of the response payload.
Shall be present if the response has a payload.
Shall be present if no transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload
A warning message.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response shall have no payload.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.12 Suspend Global Subscription Transaction
This transaction is used to stop the origin server from automatically subscribing the user agent to new Workitems. This does not delete any existing subscriptions to specific Workitems.
The request shall have the following syntax:
POST SP {/resource} SP version CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
CRLF Target Resources
The origin server shall support the resources in Table 11.12.1-1.
Table 11.12.1-1. Unsubscribe Transaction Resources
URI Template
Worklist Subscription
Filtered Worklist Subscription
| Query Parameters
The request has no Query Parameters. Request Header Fields
The request has no Mandatory Header Fields. Request Payload
The request has no payload.
Upon receipt of a Suspend request, the origin server shall attempt to remove the Worklist Subscription, or Filtered Worklist Subscription of the specified Application Entity with respect to the specified Worklist UID, or Filtered Worklist UID as described in Section CC.2.3.3 in PS3.4
and then return an appropriate response.
This transaction corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Suspend Global Subscription"
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
Table 11.12.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 11.12.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The Worklist Subscription was suspended.
400 (Bad Request)
There was a problem with the request. For example, the Target Worklist UID is missing.
404 (Not Found)
The target Subscription was not found.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.12.3-2.
Table 11.12.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
The media-type of the response payload.
Shall be present if the response has a payload.
Shall be present if no transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload.
A warning message.
See also Section 8.4. Response Payload
A success response shall have no payload.
A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.
11.13 Workitem Event Reports
The origin server uses the Send Event Report Transaction (see Section 8.10.5) to send a Workitem Event Report, containing the details of any state change in the Workitem to the user agent.
The origin server shall send Workitem Event Reports as described in Section CC.2.4.3 in PS3.4
The Event Report shall contain all mandatory Attributes described in Table CC.2.4-1 “Report a Change in UPS Status - Event Report Information” in PS3.4 and Table 10.3-2 “N-EVENT-REPORT-RSP Message Fields” in PS3.7.
The following is an example application/dicom+json Workitem Event Report payload:
"00000002": {"vr": "UI", "Value": ["1.2.840.10008."] },
"00000110": {"vr": "US", "Value": [23] },
"00001000": {"vr": "UI", "Value": ["1.2.840.10008."] },
"00001002": {"vr": "US", "Value": [1] },
"00404041": {"vr": "US", "Value": ["READY"] },
"00741000": {"vr": "LT", "Value": ["SCHEDULED"] }
13 Storage Commitment Service and Resources
The Storage Commitment Service enables a user agent to request the safekeeping of Instances on an origin server. It corresponds to the DIMSE Storage Commitment Service Class as defined in Section J “Storage Commitment Service Class (Normative)” in PS3.4 and has the same semantics.
As committing to storage of Instances is often a long-running operation on the origin server, the use of this service may be split into two transactions, at the discretion of the origin server: 1) requesting the commitment, and - when the origin server cannot give the result yet - 2) checking for the result, in line with the Asynchronous Request-Reply (ARR) pattern [Ekuan].
A PACS may wait with a response to the storage commitment request it receives, for instance until the VNA that it uses for long term storage has given commitment for the referenced Instances.
Figure 13.1-1 shows the possible scenarios of requesting storage commitment.
This starts when the user agent sends a Request to the origin server. This requests the origin server's commitment to safekeep a set of SOP Instances, specified by their respective UIDs.
In case the origin server responds to the Request with Done, it behaves synchronously and returns, for each Instance, whether it commits to safekeeping that Instance or not. The user agent can handle this result appropriately, for example by deleting the local copies of the Instances that now are safely kept by the origin server.
In case the origin server responds to the Request with Working, it behaves asynchronously, and is working on the request. In this case, the user agent needs to perform a Result Check after some time. When this check is performed, the origin server may respond with Done, and will provide the same kind of result as in the synchronous case, which can be handled in the same way by the user agent. The origin server may also respond to the Result Check with Working, which will trigger the user agent to perform a Result Check again. This process continues until the origin server responds with Done, finalizing the process.
For both the Request and the Result Check it is also possible that the origin server returns an error, and this also needs to be handled appropriately by the user agent; see Table 13.4.3-1 and Table 13.5.3-1 for more details.
13.1.1 Resource Descriptions
There is one resource defined by this service:
Table 13.1.1-1. Storage Commitment Service Resource Descriptions
URI Template
Storage commitment requests managed by the origin server.
13.1.2 Common Query Parameters
The origin server shall support Query Parameters as required in Table 13.1.2-1.
The user agent shall supply in the request Query Parameters as required in Table 13.1.2-1.
Table 13.1.2-1. Common Query Parameters
See also Section 8.4.
13.1.3 Common Media Types
The origin server shall support the Media Types specified as Default or Required in Table 13.1.3-1.
Table 13.1.3-1. Default, Required, and Optional Media Types
Media Type
multipart/related; type="application/dicom+json"
multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"
Implementations conforming to the Storage Commitment Service shall support the transactions listed as Required in Table 13.2-1.
Table 13.2-1. Required and Optional Transactions
Implementations conforming to the Storage Commitment Service shall specify their role in their Conformance Statement (see PS3.2): origin server, user agent or both.
In addition, for each supported transaction they shall specify:
the supported Query Parameters, including optional Attributes, if any;
the supported DICOM Media Types;
the supported character sets (if other than UTF-8).
An origin server conforming to the Storage Commitment Service shall implement the Retrieve Capabilities Transaction, specifying its role (see Section 8.9 and Annex H).
Implementation-specific warning and error codes shall be included in the Conformance Statement.
An origin server implementation defines how it provides its commitment to storage. Certain origin servers may commit to permanently store the SOP Instances (e.g., an archive system) while other origin servers may commit to provide storage of the SOP Instances for a limited amount of time. The origin server shall document in its Conformance Statement the nature of its commitment to storage (e.g., duration of storage, retrieve capabilities and latency, capacity).
Once the origin server has committed to store the SOP Instances, the user agent may decide that it is appropriate to delete its copies of the SOP Instances. These types of behaviors are outside the scope of this Standard; however, the user agent shall document the types of behaviors it is able to provide in its Conformance Statement.
An origin server implementation shall specify in its Conformance Statement how long the result of a Request will be available for the user agent.
13.3 Transactions Overview
The Storage Commitment Service consists of the transactions listed in Table 13.3-1.
Table 13.3-1. Storage Commitment Service Transactions
Transaction Name
Success Response
SOP Class UIDs and SOP Instance UIDs; optionally Study and Series UIDs
Storage Commitment Result
Requests to safekeep a referenced set of Instances.
Result Check
Storage Commitment Result
Gets the result of a Request.
These transactions share the same resource (/commitment-requests/{transactionUID}) but are differentiated by their method.
This transaction allows a user agent to request an origin server to commit to the safekeeping of a set of Instances.
The request shall have the following syntax:
POST SP /commitment-requests/{transactionUID} SP version CRLF
Accept: 1#media-type CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The Target Resource of this transaction is an individual commitment request identified by its Transaction UID.
In DIMSE, results may return asynchronously and the SCU uses the Transaction UID attribute returned by the SCP in the result to match it to the corresponding request. In DICOMweb, each request, which contains the Transaction UID in the resource path, is synchronously paired with the response, so the Transaction UID is not encoded in the response. Query Parameters
The request has no Query Parameters. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Request Header Fields as required in Table 13.4.1-2.
The user agent shall supply Request Header Fields as required in Table 13.4.1-2.
Table 13.4.1-2. Request Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The Acceptable Media Types of the response payload.
See also Section 8.4.
The request payload shall be present and shall contain one representation consistent with the Content-Type Header Field. The representation shall conform to Media Types described in Section 8.7.3 DICOM Media Type Sets. The payload shall conform to Section 8.6 Payloads.
The request payload shall contain the Referenced SOP Instance UIDs for which the user agent requests the origin server to commit storage.
A request payload shall contain a Storage Commitment Request Module. See Section J.1.
The origin server shall process the storage commitment request. A success response either returns:
a 200 (OK) status with a Storage Commitment Response payload that indicates the storage commitment status per referenced SOP Instance, or
a 202 (Accepted) status without payload indicating to the user agent that it should retrieve such a result later.
A 200 (OK) success status code should only be understood to mean that the request was successfully parsed and a Storage Commitment Response was returned by the origin server. The Storage Commitment Response may indicate that storage commitment failed for some or even all of the referenced SOP Instances.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[retry-after CRLF]
Table 13.4.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 13.4.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The origin server finished processing the storage commitment request; the payload describes in detail what referenced SOP Instances have been committed for safekeeping, and what Instances have not.
202 (Accepted)
The origin server has not finished processing the storage commitment request yet; there is no payload. The user agent is expected to follow-up with the Result Check transaction, as described in Section 13.5, to retrieve the result of the storage commitment request.
400 (Bad Request)
The origin server cannot handle the storage commitment request because of errors in the request headers or parameters.
409 (Conflict)
The origin server cannot handle the storage commitment request because the provided transaction UID is already in use.
503 (Service Unavailable)
The origin server cannot handle the storage commitment request; this may be a temporal or permanent state.
| Response Header Fields
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 13.4.3-2.
Table 13.4.3-2. Response Header Fields
Origin Server Usage
See Section 8.4.2.
See Section 8.4.2.
See Section 8.4.3.
The number of seconds the user agent is requested to wait until a (next) result check or retrying the request.
All success responses shall also contain the Content Representation (see Section 8.4.2) and Payload Header Fields (see Section 8.4.3) with appropriate values.
It is recommended that the text returned in the Warning Header Field (see [RFC7234]
Section 5.5) contain a DICOM Status Code (see PS3.4 and Annex C “Status Type Encoding (Normative)” in PS3.7) and descriptive reason. For example:
Warning: A700 <service>: Out of memory Response Payload
A 200 (OK) success response payload shall contain a Storage Commitment Response Module. See Section J.2.
A 202 (Accepted) success response will not contain a payload.
Any failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing failures, warnings, or other useful information.
13.5 Result Check Transaction
This transaction allows a user agent to request an origin server to provide the result of an earlier Request.
The user agent uses this transaction when the origin server has responded with status code 202 (Accepted) to either a Request or a Result Check transaction.
The request shall have the following syntax:
GET SP /commitment-requests/{transactionUID} SP version CRLF
Accept: 1#media-type CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The Target Resource of this transaction is an individual commitment request identified by its Transaction UID. Query Parameters
The request has no Query Parameters. Request Header Fields
The origin server shall support Result Check Header Fields as required in Table 13.5.1-2.
The user agent shall supply Result Check Header Fields as required in Table 13.5.1-2.
The presence and values of the storage commitment result check Header Fields should be the same as those of the storage commitment Request Header Fields.
Table 13.5.1-2. Result Check Header Fields
User Agent
Origin Server
The Acceptable Media Types of the response payload.
See also Section 8.4.
The request has no payload.
If the result identified by the Transaction UID is available on the origin server, this result is returned in an Acceptable Media Type (see Section 8.7.4); the result contains in detail what referenced SOP Instances have been committed for safekeeping, and what Instances have not.
If this result is not yet available, the server will return that it is still working on the storage commitment request.
The response shall have the following syntax:
version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[retry after CRLF]
Table 13.5.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction.
See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.
Table 13.5.3-1. Status Code Meaning
200 (OK)
The origin server finished processing the Request transaction identified by the supplied Transaction UID (see Section 13.4); the payload contains the result.
202 (Accepted)
The origin server has not yet finished processing the Request transaction identified by the supplied Transaction UID; there is no payload.
The user agent is expected to follow-up again with the Result Check transaction, to retrieve the result of the storage commitment request.
404 (Not Found)
The origin server cannot find the storage commitment request result identified by the supplied Transaction UID.
410 (Gone)
The origin server can no longer provide the storage commitment request result identified by the supplied Transaction UID.
503 (Service Unavailable)
The origin server cannot handle the Result Check request; this may be a temporary or permanent state.
The 404 (Not Found) status code may be caused by an incorrect Transaction UID that has been supplied by the user agent, or the origin server may have deleted the applicable result.
The 410 (Gone) status code may be caused by the origin server deleting the applicable result, but still having a record of the Transaction UID.
When the 404 (Not Found) or the 410 (Gone) status code is returned, the user agent might initiate a new storage commitment request. When the 503 (Service Unavailable) status code is returned, the user agent might retry later with another Result Check transaction.
B.1 Retrieving a Simple DICOM Image in JPEG
B.2 Retrieving a DICOM SR in HTML
B.3 Retrieving a Region of A DICOM Image
Retrieving a region of a DICOM image, converted if possible in JPEG2000, with annotations burned into the image containing the patient name and technical information, and mapped into a defined image size:
B.4 Retrieving As A DICOM Media Type
Retrieving a DICOM image object using the baseline 8-bit lossy JPEG transfer syntax, and de-identified:
B.5 Query Studies From a Certain Day and Limit the Number of Results, Start With Offset 0
GET /radiology/studies?00080020=20000817&limit=20&offset=0&includefield=all HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/dicom+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1191
Content-Type: application/dicom+json; charset=utf-8
"00080005": {
"vr": "CS",
"Value": [
"00081190": {
"vr": "UT",
"Value": [
B.6 Query Series From a Certain Study, Returned Data in JSON
GET /radiology/studies/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/dicom+json
B.7 Query Instances From a Series, Returned Data in XML
GET /radiology/studies/
/series/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 2887
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="DICOM DATA BOUNDARY"; type="application/dicom+xml"
Content-Type: application/dicom+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DicomAttribute keyword="TransferSyntaxUID" tag="00020010" vr="UI">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.1.2.1</Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="SOPClassUID" tag="00080016" vr="UI">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="StudyInstanceUID" tag="0020000D" vr="UI">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="SeriesInstanceUID" tag="0020000E" vr="UI">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="SOPInstanceUID" tag="00080018" vr="UI">
<Value number="1"></Value>
Content-Type: application/dicom+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DicomAttribute keyword="TransferSyntaxUID" tag="00020010" vr="UI">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.1.2.1</Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="SOPClassUID" tag="00080016" vr="UI">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="StudyInstanceUID" tag="0020000D" vr="UI">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="SeriesInstanceUID" tag="0020000E" vr="UI">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute keyword="SOPInstanceUID" tag="00080018" vr="UI">
<Value number="1"></Value>
B.8 Retrieve Instance as DICOM
GET /radiology/studies/
/series/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 383203
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="DICOM DATA BOUNDARY"; type="application/dicom"
Content-Type: application/dicom
B.9 Retrieve Instance as Rendered JPEG Image
GET /radiology/studies/
/instances/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 79323
Content-Type: image/jpeg
B.10 Retrieve Instance as Bulk Data
Suppose the metadata response contains the BulkDataURI "/radiology/studies/…/bulkdata/00091010"
with original value in the DICOM Raw binary stream, then the request:
GET /radiology/studies/
/instances/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream"
would include:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 6374971
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="bcd8711f-1384-4a49-adcf-ae9b9ddc2d35"; type="application/octet-stream"
Content-Location: /radiology/studies/…/bulkdata/00091010
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Raw binary stream
B.11 Retrieving a DICOM Image Object Using the Baseline 8-Bit Lossy JPEG Transfer Syntax
GET /radiology/studies/
/instances/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="5e3c723b-ad24-42f9-88e0-10d29d87115c"
Content-Type: application/dicom; transfer-syntax="1.2.840.10008."
<BINARY DICOM DATA in multipart boundaries>
B.12 Rendering a Region of a DICOM Image, Converted in JPEG2000, With Annotations Burned Into the Image Containing the Patient Name and Technical Information, and Using a Specific Viewport and Windowing
GET /radiology/studies/
/rendered?annotation=patient,technique&viewport=1024,1024,0,0,512,512&window=200,600,linear HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/jp2;level=1,image/jpeg;q=0.5
B.13 Retrieve DICOM SR as HTML
GET /radiology/studies/
/instances/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
B.14 Retrieve DICOM SR as JSON (only Metadata)
GET /radiology/studies/
/instances/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/dicom+json
B.15 Check for Capability of Retrieving Metadata as XML
/instances/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"
Origin: http://localhost:65232
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
B.16 Retrieve Metadata as XML Using "accept" Parameter
/metadata?charset=UTF-8&accept=multipart/related;type=%22application/dicom+xml%22 HTTP/1.1
B.17 Retrieve DICOM Frames as "octet-stream"
GET /radiology/studies/
/instances/,23,24 HTTP/1.1
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream"
B.18 Retrieve DICOM Frames as Rendered in GIF Media Type
GET /radiology/studies/
/rendered?annotation=patient&viewport=1024,1024&window=40,40,linear&accept=image/gif HTTP/1.1
B.19 Retrieve Thumbnail for a Series in the JPEG Media Type
GET /radiology/studies/
/series/,100 HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/jpeg
B.20 Retrieve Thumbnail for One Frame in the PNG Media Type
GET /radiology/studies/
/thumbnail?viewport=100,100 HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/png
B.21 Store Single DICOM Instance
POST /radiology/studies/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/dicom
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 826
Content-Type: application/dicom+json; charset=utf-8
"00020010": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081199": {
"vr": "SQ",
"Value": [
"00080016": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00080018": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
B.22 Store Multiple DICOM Instances
POST /radiology/studies/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; boundary=MESSAGEBOUNDARY
Content-Type: application/dicom
< BINARY DICOM DATA for instance 1 >
Content-Type: application/dicom
< BINARY DICOM DATA for instance 2 >
B.23 Store Multiple JPEG Files
POST /radiology/studies/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"; boundary=MESSAGEBOUNDARY
Content-Type: application/dicom+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00080020" VR="DT" Keyword="StudyDate">
<Value number="1">20130409</value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00080018" VR="UI" Keyword="SOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></value>
<DicomAttribute tag="00081150" vr="UI" keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="7FE00010" VR="OB" Keyword="PixelData">
<Value number="1">jpeg-image</value>
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Location: jpeg-image
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 826
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081199" VR="SQ" keyword="ReferencedSOPSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute tag="00081150" vr="UI" keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute tag="00081155" vr="UI" keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute tag="00081190" vr="UT" keyword="RetrieveURL">
<Value number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081190" VR="UT" Keyword="RetrieveURL">
<Value number="1"></value>
B.24 Get All the Work Items
GET /radiology/workitems HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/dicom+json
POST /radiology/workitems/1.2.840.10008. HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/dicom+json
B.26 WADL Method Definition of a Capabilities Description for an Origin Server Supporting Studies Search
<method id="searchForStudies" name="GET">
<param default="multipart/related; type=application/dicom+xml" name="Accept" style="header">
<option value="multipart/related; type=application/dicom+xml"/>
<option value="application/json"/>
<param name="limit" style="query" type="xs:int">
<doc>maximum number of records</doc>
<param name="offset" style="query" type="xs:int">
<doc>skipped results</doc>
<param name="StudyDate" style="query"/>
<param name="00080020" style="query"/>
<param name="StudyTime" style="query"/>
<param name="00080030" style="query"/>
<param name="AccessionNumber" style="query"/>
<param name="00080050" style="query"/>
<param name="ModalitiesInStudy" style="query"/>
<param name="00080061" style="query"/>
<param name="ReferringPhysicianName" style="query"/>
<param name="00080090" style="query"/>
<param name="PatientName" style="query"/>
<param name="00100010" style="query"/>
<param name="PatientID" style="query"/>
<param name="00100020" style="query"/>
<param name="StudyInstanceUID" repeating="true" style="query"/>
<param name="0020000D" repeating="true" style="query"/>
<param name="StudyID" style="query"/>
<param name="00200010" style="query"/>
<param name="includefield" repeating="true" style="query" type="xs:string">
<option value="all"/>
<doc>include fields</doc>
<param name="fuzzymatching" style="query" type="xs:boolean">
<option value="true"/>
<option value="false"/>
<doc>additional fuzzy semantic matching</doc>
<param name="emptyvaluematching" style="query" type="xs:boolean">
<option value="true"/>
<option value="false"/>
<doc>additional fuzzy semantic matching</doc>
<param name="multiplevaluematching" style="query" type="xs:boolean">
<option value="true"/>
<option value="false"/>
<doc>additional fuzzy semantic matching</doc>
<response status="200 204 299">
<representation mediaType="multipart/related; type=application/dicom+xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<response status="400 403 500 503"/>
This example depicts support for the Fuzzy Matching and Repository Query options.
B.27 Request Storage Commitment For Multiple Instances With JSON
This example shows the flow of messages between the user agent and the origin server for the scenario in which 1) the user agent requests storage commitment for two SOP Instances in JSON, 2) the origin server tells the user agent to check for the result of this request later, 3) the user agent checks for the result, and 4) the result provided by the origin server shows that it commits to safely store one of the Instances, while it does not commit to safely store the other Instance.
Step 1 of this scenario involves the user agent sending a POST request for the two Instances with Transaction UID 1.1.99999.20220901 in the HTTP header:
POST/radiology/commitment-requests/1.1.99999.20220901 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/dicom+json
"00081199": {
"vr": "SQ",
"Value": [{
"00081150": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081155": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081150": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081155": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
Here, the references to the applicable SOP Instances are in the Referenced SOP Sequence (0008,1199);
see Table J.1-1 for the possible structures of the storage commitment request.
The SOP Class UID of both the Instances is CT Image (for both Instances, Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) has the value 1.2.840.10008.,
and the applicable Instances are identified by their respective SOP Instance UIDs (the values of Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) are and …00060) respectively).
In step 2 the origin server returns its response to the request.
In this scenario this is the asynchronous case where there is no immediate result (return code 202 Accepted),
and where the server also notifies the user agent that it ought to wait at least 300 seconds before making a follow-up request for the result;
the synchronous response case would skip steps 2 and 3, and would continue at step 4.
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Retry-After: 300
In step 3, after waiting the suggested period of time, the user agent GETs the status of the request using the same transaction UID as given in the original request:
GET /radiology/commitment-requests/1.1.99999.20220901 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/dicom+json
Step 4 of this scenario involves the origin server returning the result of the storage commitment request.
In this case it is the response to the result check as shown in step 3.
Note that in case the server initially responds to the POST request of step 1 with the HTTP response status code 200 (the synchronous case) the same result would be returned:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 842
Content-Type: application/dicom+json; charset=utf-8
"00081199": {
"vr": "SQ",
"Value": [{
"00081150": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081155": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081198": {
"vr": "SQ",
"Value": [{
"00081150": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081155": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081197": {
"vr": "US",
"Value": [ 274 ]
The origin server provided 274 as value of the Failure Reason (0008,1197).
This is 0112H and means "No such object Instance" (see Section C.14.1.1 in PS3.3
Apparently, the SOP Instance identified by SOP Instance UID is not on the origin server.
B.28 Request Storage Commitment For Multiple Instances With XML and Referenced Study and Series Instance UIDs
The intent of this example is the same as presented in Section B.27,
namely the scenario to request storage commitment for two SOP Instances, where for one it succeeds, and for one it fails.
The differences are in the synchronicity (in this case it is synchronous), the syntax (in this case using XML),
and the structure (in this case using the hierarchical study-series-SOP Class-instance structure, starting with a Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110);
see Table J.1-1 for more details on this structure).
Step 1:
POST /radiology/commitment-requests/1.1.99999.20220901 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/dicom+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081110" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<Item number="2">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
In the above, the applicable Study is identified by its Study Instance UID (0020,000D) with value
The applicable Series is identified by its Series Instance UID (0020,000E) with value
SOP Class UIDs and SOP Instance UIDs are the same as the example given in Section B.27.
Step 2:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 2910
Content-Type: application/dicom+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081110" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008119B" VR="SQ" Keyword="FailedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081197" VR="UI" Keyword="FailureReason">
<Value number="1">274</Value>
The Failed Study Sequence (0008,119B) has the same structure as the Referenced Study Sequence,
except that it adds a Failure Reason (0008,1197) to each Referenced SOP Instance UID,
indicating why the origin server could not commit to safely store that referenced SOP Instance.
B.29 Request Storage Commitment With HTTP Multipart Request For Instances From Multiple Studies
This example has the same intent as Section B.28,
but differs in having a multipart request, and the SOP Instances belonging to different studies.
Step 1:
POST /radiology/commitment-requests/1.1.99999.20220901 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"; boundary=MESSAGEBOUNDARY
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081110" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081110" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
Step 2:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 2917
Content-Type: application/dicom+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081110" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPClassUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008119B" VR="SQ" Keyword="FailedStudySequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000D" VR="UI" Keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081115" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedSeriesSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="0020000E" VR="UI" Keyword="SeriesInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081112" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081150" VR="UI" Keyword="Referenced SOP Class UID">
<Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="0008114A" VR="SQ" Keyword="ReferencedInstanceSequence">
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081155" VR="UI" Keyword="ReferencedSOPInstanceUID">
<Value number="1"></Value>
<DicomAttribute Tag="00081197" VR="UI" Keyword="FailureReason">
<Value number="2">274</Value>
B.30 Bi-directional Proxy for Storage Commitment
The DICOMweb Storage Commitment Service may be deployed in a hybrid environment,
i.e., an environment in which both DICOMweb and DIMSE are used. In such a hybrid environment,
a proxy can broker transactions from one service to the other,
allowing a DICOMweb origin server or a DIMSE SCP to support storage commitment for a mixed set of DICOMweb user agents and DIMSE SCUs.
DICOM does not require an implementation of proxies; however, since they would be very useful in a hybrid environment, the examples in this section show how this could be done.
It is the designer's responsibility to match the possibly asynchronous DIMSE behavior with the polling DICOMweb behavior, for example management of Transaction UIDs.
Figure B.30-1 shows how a proxy could facilitate a request for Storage Commitment from a DIMSE SCU to a DICOMweb origin server.
Figure B.30-2 shows how a proxy could facilitate a request for Storage Commitment from a DICOMweb user agent to a DIMSE SCP.
When proxying in this direction, the proxy will receive information from the SCP that it is not able to dispatch immediately to the user agent.
B.31 Render a Series as a 3D Volume
This example illustrates a request to render a series as a 3D volume, returned as a JPEG image.
The series contains legacy instances.
Since no other parameters are specified, they are determined by the origin server.
GET /radiology
Accept: image/jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 79323
Content-Type: image/jpeg
B.32 Render a Multi-frame Instance as a 3D Volume Rendering
This example illustrates a request for a Rendered Volume Response Module representing the rendering of a multi-frame instance as a 3D volume, returned as an MPEG4 video animating an initial view oriented from the patient's anterior, swiveled 180 degrees at 20fps.
Since the orientation is specified as anterior, the server determines camera orientation equivalents. The swivel axis is aligned with the Viewpoint Up Direction (0070,1605), which is oriented towards the patient's superior, intersecting the Viewpoint LookAt Point (0070,1604), which is directed from the anterior towards the posterior, resulting in a swivel around the superior-inferior axis. Since the animation step size is not specified, it is determined by the origin server and included with the requested volumetric metadata in the Rendered Volume Response Module.
The request encodes the orientation as "Anterior".
The Rendered Volume Response Module encodes camera orientation as described in Section
GET /radiology
Accept: application/dicom+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 369
Content-Type: application/dicom+json
"00720510": {
"vr": "CS",
"Value": ["3D_RENDERING"]
"0070120D": {
"vr": "CS",
"00701603": {
"vr": "FD",
"Value": [100,101,200]
"00701604": {
"vr": "FD",
"Value": [100,100,200]
"00701605": {
"vr": "FD",
"Value": [0,0,1]
"00701A06": {
"vr": "FD",
"Value": [180]
"00701A05": {
"vr": "FD",
"Value": [1.8]
"00701A03": {
"vr": "FD",
"Value": [20]
B.33 Render a Study as an MPR
This example illustrates a request to render a study as an MPR, returned as a 30fps MPEG4 video animating an Oblique orientation (specified using viewpoint parameters).
The request also specifies a window width of 400 and center of 40 and a rendering method of average intensity projection.
The user agent specifies that the rendered instances should consist of the multi-phase cardiac acquisition frames for the R-R interval between 140 and 260 milliseconds.
The origin server will need to identify the relevant instances in the study (based on the presence of Cardiac R-R Interval Specified (0018,9070) with matching values).
Since an animation step size was not specified, and a temporal range is specified (for the Cardiac R-R interval), the origin server understands that a temporal animation of multiple series each containing a single phase is requested.
Since MPR slab thickness is not specified, the server renders a thin MPR, meaning a minimally thick slab of unspecified thickness.
GET /radiology
Accept: video/mp4
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3145728
Content-Type: video/mp4
B.34 Render One Phase of a Multi-phase Series as a MIP
This example illustrates a request for a static MPR rendering of one phase of a multi-phase series.
A volume input reference is provided to identify the desired phase. Coronal orientation is specified using camera orientation parameters.
The MPR MIP is 20mm thick and windowed at a width of 700 and center of 100.
The returned JPEG image is scaled to a matrix size of 256 by 256.
GET /radiology
Accept: image/jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 79323
Content-Type: image/jpeg
B.35 Render a Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State
This example illustrates a request to render a Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State instance as a JPEG image.
The origin server retrieves the instance corresponding to the specified UID, extracts volumetric rendering parameters from the Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State instance, retrieves the images referenced in the Referenced Image Sequence.
Since no additional parameters are provided directly in the request, the server applies the volumetric rendering parameters from the Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State instance, including techniques for rendering, shading, and coloring, to generate the rendered JPEG image.
The server performs the rendering, and returns the result in the requested Media Type.
GET /radiology
Accept: image/jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 78,643
Content-Type: image/jpeg
F.1 Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JSON is a text-based open standard, derived from JavaScript, for representing data structures and associated arrays. It is language-independent, and primarily used for serializing and transmitting lightweight structured data over a network connection. It is described in detail by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in [RFC4627], available at
The DICOM JSON Model complements the XML-based Native DICOM Model, by providing a lightweight representation of data returned by DICOM web services. While this representation can be used to encode any type of DICOM Data Set it is expected to be used by client applications, especially mobile clients, such as described in the QIDO-RS use cases (see Annex HHH “Transition from WADO to RESTful Services (Informative)” in PS3.17).
With the exception of padding to even byte length, a data source that is creating a new instance of a DICOM JSON Model shall follow the DICOM encoding rules in creating Values for the DICOM Attributes within the instance of the DICOM JSON Model. Attribute Values encoded in a DICOM JSON Model are not required to be padded to an even byte length.
A data recipient that converts data from an instance of the DICOM JSON Model back into a binary encoded DICOM object shall adjust the padding to an even byte length as necessary to meet the encoding rules specified in PS3.5.
The DICOM JSON Model follows the Native DICOM Model for XML very closely, so that systems can take advantage of both formats without much retooling. The Media Type for DICOM JSON is application/dicom+json. The default character repertoire shall be UTF-8 / ISO_IR 192.
F.2.1 Multiple Results Structure
Multiple results returned in JSON are organized as a single top-level array of JSON objects. This differs from the Native DICOM Model, which returns multiple results as a multi-part collection of singular XML documents.
F. Native DICOM Model
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" xml:space="preserve" ?>
<DicomAttribute tag="0020000D" vr="UI" keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.392.200036.9116.</Value>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" xml:space="preserve" ?>
<DicomAttribute tag="0020000D" vr="UI" keyword="StudyInstanceUID">
<Value number="1">1.2.444.200036.9116.</Value>
"0020000D": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [ "1.2.392.200036.9116." ]
"0020000D" : {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [ "1.2.392.200036.9116." ]
F.2.2 DICOM JSON Model Object Structure
The DICOM JSON Model object is a representation of a DICOM Data Set.
The internal structure of the DICOM JSON Model object is a sequence of objects representing attributes within the DICOM Data Set.
Attribute objects within a DICOM JSON Model object shall be ordered by their property name in ascending lexicographic (alphabetic) order.
Group Length (gggg,0000) attributes shall not be included in a DICOM JSON Model object.
The name of each attribute object is:
Each attribute object contains the following named child objects:
For Private Data Elements, the group and element numbers will follow the rules specified in Section 7.8.1 in PS3.5
The person name representation is more closely aligned with the DICOM Data Element representation than the DICOM PS3.19 XML representation.
F.2.3 DICOM JSON Value Representation
The DICOM Value Representation (VR) is included in each DICOM JSON Model attribute object and named "vr". For example:
"vr": "CS"
The JSON encoding of an Attribute shall use the JSON Data Type corresponding to the DICOM Value Representations in Table F.2.3-1. The JSON encodings shall conform to the Definition, Character Repertoire (if applicable) and Length of Value specified for that DICOM Value Representation (see Section 6.2 “Value Representation (VR)” in PS3.5
) with the following exceptions:
Table F.2.3-1. DICOM VR to JSON Data Type Mapping
VR Name
JSON Data Type
Application Entity
Age String
Attribute Tag
Code String
Decimal String
Number or String
See note.
Date Time
Floating Point Single
Floating Point Double
Integer String
Number or String
See note.
Long String
Long Text
Other Byte
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Other Double
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Other Float
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Other Long
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Other 64-bit Very Long
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Other Word
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Person Name
Object containing Person Name component groups as strings (see Section F.2.2)
Short String
Signed Long
Sequence of Items
Array containing DICOM JSON Objects
Signed Short
Short Text
Signed 64-bit Very Long
Number or String
See Note.
Unlimited Characters
Unique Identifier (UID)
Unsigned Long
Base64 encoded octet-stream
Universal Resource Identifier or Universal Resource Locator (URI/URL)
Unsigned Short
Unlimited Text
Unsigned 64-bit Very Long
Number or String.
See Note.
For IS, DS, SV and UV, a JSON String representation can be used to preserve the original format during transformation of the representation, or if needed to avoid losing precision of a decimal string.
Although data, such as dates, are represented in the DICOM JSON model as strings, it is expected that they will be treated in the same manner as the original attribute as defined by Chapter 6 in PS3.6
F.2.4 DICOM JSON Value Multiplicity
The value or values of a given DICOM attribute are given in the "Value" array. The value multiplicity (VM) is not contained in the DICOM JSON object.
For example:
"Value": [ "bar", "foo" ]
"Value": [ "bar" ]
For those VRs specified in PS3.5 as being affected by Specific Character Set (0008,0005) and permitting multiple delimiter-separated string Values, i.e., SH, LO, PN, and UC, the bit combination 05/12 (0x5C) is used to separate Values into the “Value” array, regardless of whether the Graphic Character represented by 05/12 is the BACKSLASH (such as in the Default Character Set) or the YEN SIGN (such as in [JIS X 0201]).
See Section “Encoding of Character Repertoires” in PS3.5.
The expected behavior on transcoding from JSON to other representations and vice versa is to preserve the semantics of multiple separate values, whether they are encoded as a multi-valued array in JSON or as a delimiter-separated character stream in PS3.5 representations.
Graphic Characters that match the delimiter specified for the Character Set for multi-valued VRs cannot be represented as Values in some Character Sets when encoded in PS3.5 representations.
Accordingly, it is inadvisable to use a Graphic Character within a JSON value for the SH, LO, PN, and UC VRs such as a BACKSLASH or YEN SIGN that will be represented as 05/12 in the Default Character Set or [JIS X 0201], because when transcoding to a PS3.5 representation, since there is no escape mechanism defined, they may inadvertently be interpreted as delimiters, splitting a Value.
For example, DOS-style paths that use a BACKSLASH as a file component separator cannot be encoded within in a single Value of one of the affected VRs.
F.2.5 DICOM JSON Model Null Values
If an attribute is present in DICOM but empty (i.e., Value Length is 0), it shall be preserved in the DICOM JSON attribute object containing no "Value", "BulkDataURI" or "InlineBinary".
If a multi-valued attribute has one or more empty values these are represented as "null" array elements. For example:
"Value": [ "bar", null, "foo" ]
If a sequence contains empty items these are represented as empty JSON object in the array.
"Value": [ { … }, { }, { … } ]
If an attribute contains a "BulkDataURI" , this contains the URI of a bulk data element as defined in Table A.1.5-2 in PS3.19
If an attribute contains an "InlineBinary", this contains the base64 encoding of the enclosing attribute's Value Field.
There is a single InlineBinary value representing the entire Value Field, and not one per Value in the case where the Value Multiplicity is greater than one. E.g., a LUT with 4096 16 bit entries that may be encoded in DICOM with a Value Representation of OW, with a VL of 8192 and a VM of 1, or a US VR with a VL of 8192 and a VM of 4096 would both be represented as a single InlineBinary string.
All rules (e.g., byte ordering and swapping) in DICOM PS3.5 apply.
Implementers should in particular pay attention to the PS3.5 rules regarding the value representations of OD, OF, OL and OW.
F.3 Transformation with other DICOM Formats
F.3.1 Native DICOM Model XML
The transformation between the Native DICOM Model XML and the DICOM JSON model cannot be done through the use of generic XML - JSON converters.
The mapping between the two formats is as follows (see also Table F.3.1-1):
The XML "NativeDicomModel" element maps to the DICOM JSON Model Object
Each "DicomAttribute" element maps to an attribute object within the DICOM JSON model object
"Value" elements map to members of the "Value" child array
"PersonName" elements map to objects within the "Value" array. For a "PersonName" element with the attribute "number=n":
The "Alphabetic" element maps to "Value[
The "Ideographic" element maps to "PersonName[
The "Phonetic" element maps to "PersonName[
"Item" elements map to members of the "Value" child array
The "uri" attribute of the "BulkData" element maps to the "BulkDataURI" string
The "InlineBinary" element maps to the "InlineBinary" string
Table F.3.1-1. XML to JSON Mapping
<DicomAttribute tag=
… />
<DicomAttribute tag=
… />
: { … },
: { … },
<Value number="1">
: {
"Value": [
<DicomAttribute tag=
… >
<Value number="1">
<Value number="2">
: {
"Value": [
, …
<DicomAttribute tag=
… >
: {
<DicomAttribute tag=
vr="PN" … >
<PersonName number="1">
<PersonName number="2">
: {
"vr": "PN",
"Value": [
<DicomAttribute tag=
vr="SQ" … >
<Item number="1">
<DicomAttribute tag=
… />
<DicomAttribute tag=
… />
<Item number="2">
<DicomAttribute tag=
… />
<DicomAttribute tag=
… />
<Item number="3">
: {
"vr": "SQ",
: { … },
: { … },
: { … },
: { … },
{ }
<DicomAttribute tag=
… >
<BulkData uri=
: {
<DicomAttribute tag=
… >
: {
<DicomAttribute tag=
… >
: {
"Value": [
: {
F.4 DICOM JSON Model Example
// The following example is a QIDO-RS SearchForStudies response consisting
// of two matching studies, corresponding to the example QIDO-RS request:
// GET
{ // Result 1
"00080005": {
"vr": "CS",
"Value": [ "ISO_IR 192" ]
"00080020": {
"vr": "DA",
"Value": [ "20130409" ]
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